On Wednesday I couldn't get my skis to school so instead I decided to go for a run and then hit the wieght room after school. I got to go for run but by the time I returned the weight room had closed. I was secretly glad, after running I don't think I had it in me to do strength. Okay well anyways, back to the run. I left right away and just randomly ran around town. At one point I was out at South West school and decided I'd run back to town along the highway (actually I think it's just a busy road), when I realized that I was by the pet store. Of course I just had to go in and bother Adam. He was busy so I wound spending forever with the kittens and the last puppy. They were just so cute! Well at one point Adam went into the back of the store to sort roaches. Just gross. Well this family came in, and of course the first thing they see is the puppy. I told them that if they thought the puppy was cute they should see the kittens. I told them all these facts and what not that I'd picked up from hanging around there. After a bit I managed to convince them to but one. Ya, I'm just that good. I'm really confused as to why people thought I worked there. You see a girl in running clothes and you think she works at the place you're shopping? Really?
Well yesterdays meet was pretty interesting. For starters there were 29 schools crammed into one small building. That was horrible, it got very hot and very crowded fast. The best part was that my friend Maggie was there! Which also means that Colton was there. That was so awkward. Just an FYI this post is about the social aspects that went on during the meet and not so much the actual meet stuff. I'll start with Colton because the rest of it is just weird ... Anyways, Colton was there. I tried to avoid him as best as I could but due to the fact that he long jumps, or maybe it was triple jump I wasn't really paying attention, and that our camp was right next to the pits I saw a lot of him. Also I hung out at Maggie's team's camp and he's on her team. Turns out she doesn't have that high of an opinion of him either. It was really creepy because he kept looking at me, like every chance he got! Then he comes up tp me and accuses me of stalking him! Maggie and I w...
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