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Chiarlift Wednesday, Creepy Thursday

On Chairlift Wednesday we had the Charley Banks State Relays, nothing really special there. My team took 4th. I went out first using classic technique, Ingrid went out next also using classic, then Maggie went out skating, and lastly Madison also skating. The boys team didn't do so well. I believe that they took 15th or somewhere near there. I'll put a link down below to the results posting. The most exciting thing about the races was that afterwards I realized that I hadn't put my brace on. I was really happy though, because I saw my friend Everett! Side note: He loves, I mean loves, Cher and instead of calling him Everett I refer to him as Cher. I met him in West Yellow Stone and since none of my friends went (they don't ski) they've only heard of him and don't even know his real name because I'm always referring to him as Cher. I had a good time hanging out with him and his team. They're all nice and very funny! I laughed so much that day! I bet you're wondering what any of this has to do with a chairlift. Come on be honest, am I right or am I right? I'm going to pretend that you said yes and tell you. See as to the fact that State Relays were held at Gaints Ridge and that we had ski passes on our jackets, we decided to ski down the mountain. I had my classic skis/boots on and didn't want to go down without ankle support, so I ran back to the bus where I remember that I hadn't brought my skate boots. I got lucky though, because Oskari had just gotten on the bus and he let me borrow his huge skate boots. When I got back everyone else had left already and there wasn't enough time to go up before awards. On the bright side Hans had waited for me. We waited for awards, to which the girls barely made it to in time, I was literally walking up to get the medals when they came down the last stretch of the hill and slid into place. Right after we got our medals and posed for pictures me and Hans left. This was my first time on a chairlift which for some reason just amazed everyone! I don't get it! I forgot that I'm afraid of heights until we were in the air. It was so bad! Then Hans was reaching for the trees trying to touch the stuff that people had tossed up there and I'm clinging to the sides of the chair hyperventilating convinced that we were about to fall to our deaths. Oh, did I mention that there wasn't a safety bar or anything at all going across you to hold you in? Then I was convinced that one of my skis would fall off and I'd be stuck at the top with no way down. None of that happened, we made it to the top without accident. Going down was horrifying and just amazing at the same time! We got so much speed, and there were those spots where you can't see down, like there's a lip or something blocking your view making it so that you have no idea whats coming up next. I wonder what people thought watching us go down. Hans weaving between the trees in the woods and hitting every jump he could (and we still had our cross country skis on too!) and then there's me. I was just a sad sight, that's all I'm going to say about that. I really enjoyed hanging out with Hans, he's a good guy.
Creepy Thursday I went to watch the State meet, you know to see what it's like. I think that it was during the girls race that this guy came up to me. Me and my coach were standing about 100 yards from the start so that we could watch the racers and discuss technique and what not. So this guy comes up behind me and taps me on the shoulder. Right away it's just weird  the fact that he's like thirty and had an aura that just screams "RUN AWAY!". He tells me that he collects Nordic hats and asked if he could take a picture of mine. Once again this is wrong, I'm wearing a Kermit hat and is not a Nordic hat, plus why would he want a picture? I keep looking at Tony for help because this guy is just creeping me out, bu Tony just looks away smiling and acts like he doesn't know me! I went to take off my hat (I didn't want to be in the picture!), but the guy told me that I had to be in it! Why?! Tony's still looking away and not helping me out! I didn't see any way out without being rude for no apparent reason, and had to consent. Before he could take the picture I pulled up my buff and pulled down my hat, so that all you could see were my eyes. He took a couple and then left and I was so creeped out. So now some stranger has pictures of me.

State Relay results:


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