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Awkward Friday

So yesterday was my first day back at school after missing two days. Again. I had a alot of catch up and yadda yadda. I'm just going to skip to seventh hour. Seventh hour I have study hall and yesterday I had to make a Latin test for biology since i wasn't in school the day they took it. The test took all of five minutes and I had arrived before the bell to take it. I don't want to go back to study hall, I'm signed out for the hour, and no one cares if they see me walking the halls, so what do I do with the rest of the hour? Well...First I went up to the library and printed of my Spanish essay. Actually it's more of a paragraph because that's all we had to write but she called it an essay.(I'll put it in at the bottom, judge me if you wish but know this: I already know that I suck at Spanish). Then I went to the band room figuring that I could practice. Practice what, I have no idea considering that people were still going through tryouts and therefor we had no music to practice. (Btw, I'm 8th chair! Don't know how, I got really nervous and messed up). I wound up just laying on the ground trying to figure out how to get to Mt. Itasca because there were other study hallers in there. After doing that for about half the hour  I left with the intention of just traveling the school until the bell rang. That came to a quick end when I remember that my teacher wanders the halls alot too and it probably wouldn't do good to run into him while skipping his class. It's only study hall but still. So I went to the far cafeteria so that I could sit next to the windows relax, and get some reading done. Side note: I used to be a big reader. I read Oliver Twist in 4th grade, and in 3rd grade read and understood Shakespeare's A Midsummer Nights Dream. I'd go through 2-3 huge books a week, but ever since high school and activities I just haven't had the time. I couldn't sit by the window because Niko and Nico were sitting there and I didn't want to be awkward. Side note: They're two of the Uruguay students here for the month. Niko is a lady's man, sings, plays guitar, and is hot. Nico is shy and very cute! So instead I sat on a stack of chairs by the door, and in a fit of rebelion put my feet on the table as I read a book recommended by my English teacher! I am so hard core!! As I'm reading I can hear them talking, and no I wasn't eaves dropping. They were talking in rapid fire Spanish and I was just listening because I like the way it sounds, not to hear what they were saying. Then they got quiet. I was curios as to why they stopped and peeked up from my book. They were looking at me!! I buried my face in my book and was like 8D. Then they started talking again for a few seconds and then Niko started singing. This was the first time I had heard him sing and just wow. He is amazing! My jaw just like hit the ground and yes, i was staring. Then I went back to my book while enjoying the singing. Then he stopped and once again I looked up. When I looked up he started again. I have to say I am kinda glad that the bell rang. I didn't know what to do without being the social awkward person I am. I mean, come on. I am so awkward in social situations, especially if I don't know you that well. I'll wind up just asking you a ton of questions or being even more sarcastic than I already am. Well its more of a humorous sarcasm.
I managed to find a way to skiing. My friend Grayci was going to Colraine for schyronized swimming so she gave me a lift, because no one else was going. I'm serious. Well not exactly no one else, Maggie went but that's because she did the Big Fork Valley Challenge ski race today, and so of course she's going to get a ski in the day before. The coaches weren't there either.So I  get there and am momentarily confused as to why there are so many cars there when I remembered that this weekend there's college racing going on at Mt. Itasca! I grabbed my stuff from her car, thanked her, dropped my skis off outside the building, and went instead. Holy awkward! I walked into a room full of men waxing in the changing room! Side note: By waxing I mean skis, not body parts. There was no room to change and not like I'd want to with all those people in the room. I don't care, I've changed in from of people so many times that it doesn't really bother me anymore. Wow that sounds slightly disturbing... Anyways, it was more of for their sake. They'd probably feel really awkward when they have to reach around the half naked girl for the wax or iron. I turned around and went in to the other half of the building but there were people in there too! So i go outside, and call Maggie. Turns out that after seeing all the people she had decided to just change in her car and said that I was welcome to too. Thanks but no thanks. That'd just be awkward. Instead I went into the second half of the building and asked the, college, guy in there if he cared if I changed. He said that it'd be no problem and just like ran out of the building. I stood there for a bit wondering what just happened. He didn't have to leave the warmth of a building  I was going to the other side of the room where he wouldn't be able to see me. Then as I'm bending over trying to find my spandex, while not wearing pants because I didn't think things through before I took them off, a girl from one of the teams walks in and we wind up having this awkward conversation. Thought for once I wasn't the one who  started it, or who was asking all the awkward questions!
After skiing I was going to head to Jake's house before the Greenway hockey game and Homecoming dance. So I went to his house and was all awkward as i brushed my hair in his bath room. The only reason I had to brush it was because I had worn it down that day and it had gotten messed up throughout the day and even more so at skiing. Then my hair was all poofy because I had brushed it mostly dry. At the hockey game this girl Francesca (I have no idea how to spell it) was there. She is so weird  I met her at the Greenway basketball game I went to when I played with their pep band. She spent the entire hockey game playing with my hair. She'd say, "It's just like a cat!" and start swapping at it, then she started smelling it! Repeatedly! Really awkward and uncomfortable to have a strange girl repeatedly smelling your hair and playing with it! After the game we went back to his house. Instead of going straight to the dance we hung out and wound up being an hour late. Side note: Greenway dances are extremely sketchy, and there's usually sex on the dance floor. I kid you not. No one ever goes either, so it's just a small group of creepy people. We went, and there were even less people than usual! It was so empty! I wound up getting really annoyed with Jake because he wouldn't dance. He'd just kinda sway a little or just stand there, and you can't dance with someone who's not dancing. So I couldn't dance, and because it was at Greenway I didn't know anyone. Jake doesn't even know anyone! It's his school! My school's like 5 time's the size of his and I know most of the people! Come on Jake! He's more sociably awkward than I am! I shouldn't rag on him, but it's true and truth be told it does annoy me. I wish that he'd be more outgoing and try to make friends. We wound up sitting on the bleachers for most of the dance because he doesn't like dances. Which is another reason that I got annoyed with him. Why ask someone to go to a dance when you don't dance and don't like dances?! Grrr. We will forever be the couple that spends all their time together shut away from the world watching movies. The entire night was just awkward, disappointing, and I wish I had spent it at home sleeping instead. Don't get me wrong, I love it when I get to spend time with Jacob. It's just that the night wasn't what I had expected and I hadn't gotten much sleep for awhile and was tired.
Here's a link to Niko's youtube page:

Here's my terrible attempt at Spanish:

Donde Agujeros Negros Vienen de
En el espacio exterior de oscuro, hay de luz. La luz es de las estrellas.  Las estrellas son muy, muy calor porque el fuego de estrellas. El fuego es quemando por mucho tiempo, pero estrellas son a morir. Cuando mueren poder hacer los agujeros negros. Los agujeros negros son muy oscuros y fuertes. No puede ver la luz de agujeros negros, por que llama es agujeros negros. EL fuerte de agujeros negros impiden el luz por de saliendo.  Agujeros negros impiden todo de saliendo, son es muy fuertes. Las estrellas caen en sí mismo y hacer agujeros negros.


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