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Random bits and pieces of stuff

WARNING: There are a lot of pictures

While biking with Nick we stopped at the Continental divide, and as we stood there trying to figure out how to tell the other that we should turn back this bike adventure hurts, we heard some snowmobilers. The sound alone was enough for Nick to launch into a rant about snowmobilers, who he, I now know, hates. Well they came up behind us and crossed the road a few feet away from where we were. For some reason there was a large group of them too, I mean since when do they don things in groups? Anyways, as soon as Nick says "They're a bunch of d**ches!" the biggest one goes by. He stops, shuts off the snowmobile and starts walking towards us. We freaked out! I was thinking "Holy fudge knuckles! He heard him!!!", just as Nick says,"Let's go South!" We headed South. Fast. The reason we went South was because it's take us away from the snowmobiler, and farther away from town. That's the reason we kept going, and it kept us from having to tell other how much pain the ride was bringing.

I felt really good the day after the bike. As long as I didn't really do anything.

I made cupcakes on Friday. They were just plain vanilla but with a surprise at the bottom. (That surprise was a chocolate chip cookie) Sadly we ran out of powdered sugar, and I couldn't thicken the frosting enough to frost the cupcakes. Instead I wound up spooning frosting onto it and just shoving it into my mouth, before it came off. Yumm

I really suck at cleaning my room. Throughout my whole life I have sucked at it. I cleaned all of the downstairs yesterday, but I can't clean my room!

I got a sweet pair of goggles and a snorkel yesterday. I am so ready for summer! And Hawaii

Yay...I know it's sideways...

Some picture's from Tuesday's track meet:

I had stolen Eddy's hat from Max. I'm not sure why Max had it... (Photo: Max)

Bay, putting a bag of melted ice on my face. We had a lot of fun playing with that bag of water (Photo: Max)

The start of my and Bay's "fight"..... (Photo: Max)

My ankle still hurts!!! I should get that checked out... Never mind  too expensive I'll just wait until my next physical or next serious injury.

Men at Work is actually funny! I didn't think that but after watching it for the past couple of hours, I've found it to be really funny!

This was my attempt at modeling. It wasn't planned, I just showed up at their house one night after skiing and this is what they wanted to do: You should check out the photographer's Facebook page HERE
Look at that sports bra! (Photo: Shoshana)

I couldn't keep a straight face! Shonna would tell me what to do and I'd realize how ridiculous I  look!
Arm muscle! Heck ya! (Photo: Shoshana)

I just realized how strange my eyes look (Photo: Shoshana)

My ankles...ugh (Photo: Shoshana)

I don't like the lighting in this one (Photo: Shoshana)

I think this one is my best one where I'm actually trying (Photo: Shoshana)
I was trying not to laugh while also coughing (Photo: Shoshana)

Well I tried (Photo: Shoshana)

Hey! I finally fixed my bookshelf! Ya, one of the shelves collapsed under the weight ..But all's good now. Well not all, I still need another bookshelf. I only have one and half. you may be wondering about that half. Funny story (do you remember what I said about "funny story"?), it also collapsed  Except when it collapsed the entire bottom half was crushed. The top half came out perfectly fine though, and that's how I wound up with half a book shelf.

I finished packing! Now I just have to figure out if I actually have what I need...
Awww, Major wants to come with!

Wow, I am really tired.

HAPPY EASTER!! for the past hour and a half...

Good night (morning?)


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