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First track meet!

Yesterday we had our first track meet of the season! As usual it was the Bemidji invite at the BSU indoor track. Now I don't know if what your experience with indoor tracks are, but in my experience as soon as the  meet starts it becomes hot, stuffy, dry and hard to breath. I'm just glad that unlike the usual twenty plus schools crammed into what little space is left in the middle of the track along with the field events,   there were nine schools there.
BSU indoor track minus people and field events. (Picture from Google)

I think that even though we a pretty new team we did pretty good, and I'm proud of everyone and the absolute effort they put in. Probably the highlight of the day was when all the hurdlers made it into final! That has never happened before! The best part was that besides Abbie and I the rest of the hurdlers were new to it! I wound up in 7th place with 11.49 seconds in prelims and 12.29 seconds in finals. After prelims I started to feel this, hmm I think It'd best be described as a tightening in my right quad. I ignored it, figuring it was just a tick. Between prelims and finals I did the 400, which was probably the worst event of the day. I was 5th with a time if 1:08.  I definitely could've done better, though it reminds me of last year. In eighth grade I was running a 65 second or less 400, then in ninth grade I sucked. I think my fastest was a 66, even though in practice I'c run a 63. During the last lap of the 400 I started to feel faint, but pushed myself to finish and to pass the girl who was in front of me. I finished, but had collapsed after finishing  I think it was because I had taken my inhaler, which sounds weird but it's the only thing I can think of.  After the 400 that "tick" was more of a pain. It hurt to bend my leg past a certain point. I figured this was one of those moments where I should tell my coach, well KJ told me I was fine, and then went on to tell me to stay off my heels. So I went and hurdle finals, then limped my way back to camp to rest before the 400. Once I could walk again, I went in search if Mr. I. He's one of the guys coaches and teaches health, and physical education at our school. He always knows what to do, and wouldn't just brush something off. He said that I shouldn't do anything and should ice it, because icing is the most important thing to do. I told him that I still had to the 4x4. So he said put some icy hot on it and warm up to a sweat but don't stretch it.
Saved my life! (Picture from Google)

We started out in last place, but after our first hand off, Kaya moved us up to third. Then Shannoa our third person passed off to me dead even with the second place person. I quickly passed the second place girl. Side note: Her team went fastest runner to slowest runner. Not the best technique. All that was left was the first place girl. She was ahead of me all during the first lap, but at the end of the first turn on the second lap I pulled even with her. The screaming of my coaches, the cheering of my teammates and the other team telling her that I was weak and she can beat me, gave me a second wind so that after the last turn I had pulled ahead to the point where it looked like we would win. Who ever she is, she has an amazing kick and passed the finish line not even half a step ahead of me. At least that's what I thought. We were pronounced victorious with a time of 4:44. It an extreme amount of will not to collapse or cry after passing the finish line. I iced it the entire bus ride home and massaged it once I got home so that this morning it felt better.
As I write this I'm sitting on my couch still in my uniform shorts and a sports bra, icing both hamstrings, my right quad, and my ankle. While wishing I had more ice packs so I can ice right below my shoulder blades and middle back. I could use an ice bath!
Ice Bath (Picture from Google)


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