I was invited to go to a party. By a senior. BOO-YA!! So Jake and I went. We all mat at the basketball game Side note: We won, after going into overtime and almost a second overtime! The boys are now going on to either section finals or section quarters. Then we all went bowling, which hurt my ankle, so that now this morning it's all in a fit. We bowled until 11pm and then went back to Sidney's house were Spencer asked Marly to prom! Aww. There was a huge banner and everything! Once things called down everyone headed in for food, well Jake, Kali and I already had. Hehehee. How does Cathy manage to make everything taste so good? We played Dance Dance Revolution 4, messed with each other and ate food. Jake and I should never play Dance Dance. We're not the best and look awkward. The entire time I missed my "group", my close friends, the one's who know me, who I actually hang out with. I normally don't hang out with the people who were there, some of them I don't even talk to! I just didn't have as much fun as I normally would've.
Okay, this one really is going to be short. I don't really have much to say besides what's about to be said. So....read on! First off do you know what a triathlon is? Or what the Timberman triathlon is? You don't? Let me explain then. A triathlon is where you swim, bike, and run. You're timed in each event and your transition time (how long it takes you to go from one event to the next) also counts against you. The Timberman is a triathlon held in Grand Rapids MN. It has a long course (mile swim, 26.2 mile bike, and a 10K run. But don't quote me on the bike) and a sprint course (1/3 mile swim, 13.1 mile bike, and a 5K run, but don't quote me on the bike again). It's a fun event put on every year and draws a nice crowd of people from every age and fitness level. I did the short course and this is how it went: Swim The swim was by far my worst event. I did it in my sports bra and spandex shorts (last year I did it in normal shorts and nearly lost them!...
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