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My socks :'(

Every athlete has their own thing that they are convinced they have to do or have to be able to have a successful meet. For me it's my socks. See, this year I was granted the opportunity to go to West Yellowstone and do the training camp. Well on the last day their I bought these pink socks that say "I'm with awesome" and have an arrow pointing up. Ever since I bought them I have not skied without them on. Every practice, every meet. Every ski. Not only did I always wear them, but I absolutely refuse to wash them. Why? Because I had an amazing season straight off (Okay, the tendinitis wasn't really amazing, but technically that developed before I bought the socks). The socks totally made it possible and washing them mean robbing them of the magic that they hold within their pink fibers. It got pretty bad. By the end of the season they could almost stand up on their own. Gross, but that was what I had to have with me every time.

The most terribly horrible thing has happened. My mother washed them. My own MOTHER washed them. SHE WASHED MY MAGIC SOCKS!!! I mean what kind of parent would do such a thing!? She knows the story of their magic, and that I do my own laundry. They're soft now. SOFT! There are barely held back tears in my eyes right now.

I guess I can try logging some major miles roller skiing this summer in them, but it won't be the same. They won't have all of this past year's accomplishes, improvements, losses, and breakdowns. It sounds stupid and silly, but I don't know I had a really good year in those socks, and I feel as if they really did help me. If nothing else they gave me the courage to dream big, and the confidence to pursue those dreams.


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