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Showing posts from February, 2013

My dancing doesn't just sterilize guys...

Before school my friends and I meet in the cafeteria, where we can hang out for at least  five minutes before we each head off to our separate classes. Well it being morning no one was really awake or or too happy and I'm pretty sure most of the people in the cafeteria were barely alive. As I was waiting for my friends to get I was eating cereal and listening to music. When they showed up I continued to listen but then I started singing random parts of songs. The best one was probably when I started singing You Don't Have To Be A Prostitute at the top my lungs. The only thing Bailey says is "I don't know any of these songs! I can't sing with you!" I love Bay, she's one of my best friends. Well I decided to shake things up. I unplugged my ear buds  put my on my big headphones and turned the volume all the way up. Oh ya, it's dance time. I started dancing and jumping around the cafeteria, while loudly singing along with the music. Side note: I was liste

Skiing with the coach

On Thursday I went skiing with Tony, and man was that tiring! The first lap we skied with Al and he is such a liar! He said he'd only ski with us if I promised to go slow, and then he goes at a crazy fast pace! That first lap was just terrible! He only skied that one lap with us, because after that he reached his goal for the day of 2 1/2 hours.I can't wait for the day that I'm able ski at that speed for that long. After he left Tony and I did about 15k. For the most part we just skied, though we stopped a couple of times to work on my technique or discuss ways to be a more efficient skier. I enjoyed it, I like it when I get one on one time with one of the coaches. It gives me a chance to improve upon my skiing, and who wouldn't want to become a better skier if given the chance? The best part is that I hadn't used my inhaler and i was feeling great! Boo-yeah! I love skiing!

I sold a kitten...

On Wednesday I couldn't get my skis to school so instead I decided to go for a run and then hit the wieght room after school. I got to go for run but by the time I returned the weight room had closed. I was secretly glad, after running I don't think I had it in me to do strength. Okay well anyways, back to the run. I left right away and just randomly ran around town. At one point I was out at South West school and decided I'd run back to town along the highway (actually I think it's just a busy road), when I realized that I was by the pet store. Of course I just had to go in and bother Adam. He was busy so I wound spending forever with the kittens and the last puppy. They were just so cute! Well at one point Adam went into the back of the store to sort roaches. Just gross. Well this family came in, and of course the first thing they see is the puppy. I told them that if they thought the puppy was cute they should see the kittens. I told them all these facts and what not

I slept outside!

I've been planning on sleeping outside in this igloo I made during the snow storm (see Blizzard Sunday), adn decided that Monday would be the day I did.  I woke up early, even though I didn't want to my body's mean and won't let me sleep past 8 or 9, and went out to work on the fort. You know, get it all ready for sleeping in and gather whatever supplies I'll need for the night. I laid out a tarp and a blanket then tossed in my sleeping bag, two flashlights, some candles and a couple lighters. Once I had the basic in I made a rudimentary door and left it. That took less than an hour. I spent the rest of the day waiting for it to be dark enough for me to go out and go to sleep. What did I do to pass the time? I sat on the couch and watched a marathon of Bunheads from like 10am until 6pm, that's all I did. Then I went to the Schlauderaffs and me and Shiloh sat on her couch watching a marathon of Castle. After about two hours of that I decided it was late enough an

College Sunday

Today was so amazing! Yesterday and today there was college racing going on at Mt. Itasca, and my coach wanted me to go. I also wanted me to go. I couldn't go on Saturday because of Upward Bound, so I missed the classic race, but I went today and saw the skate races and wow. The first race was the girls and man were they fast. They skied 15k with the first place person finishing at 0:48:19.7 and the last place finisher coming in at 1:07:46.3. That's a 5k time between 16.06667-22.48667 minutes! To be able to keep that up for three laps!That was no easy course either, Tony and I skied a couple laps and that course is full of tough hills, a couple nasty turns that were washed out by the end, and yet despite all that it's a fun course. During the girls race I stood next to this guy whose girlfriend was racing. He's not that into skiing himself, he wrestles   instead. Side note: It turns out that he's heard of my coach Tony who used to wrestle. He was actually really goo

UB Saturday

Today there was Upward Bound. We had TRiO day, which means that we visited BSU and took some sessions about college or preparing for college or careers, and partook in a college fair. This is how my day started. I woke up at 7:30  because Jake texted me good morning. The bus leaves the college at 8, I leave two miles away, my mom's at work and I'm still in my clothes from the day before with messy hair and craving a shower. 5 minutes later Jake is at my door. How'd I get ready in less than 5 minutes? I changed shirts, tossed a hoody over it, put my hair in a bun, and brushed my teeth at I found socks and packed  I wound up leaving a bunch of stuff at home, but I had my ipod which is all that really mattered. Bailey was there and so we sat together. She got to meet Colton and he complimented her on being chesty. I told him that I was the only one allowed to compliment her chest and Tim reprimanded him. Kinda. The guest speaker was funny and I liked the way he tied together r

Awkward Friday

So yesterday was my first day back at school after missing two days. Again. I had a alot of catch up and yadda yadda. I'm just going to skip to seventh hour. Seventh hour I have study hall and yesterday I had to make a Latin test for biology since i wasn't in school the day they took it. The test took all of five minutes and I had arrived before the bell to take it. I don't want to go back to study hall, I'm signed out for the hour, and no one cares if they see me walking the halls, so what do I do with the rest of the hour? Well...First I went up to the library and printed of my Spanish essay. Actually it's more of a paragraph because that's all we had to write but she called it an essay.(I'll put it in at the bottom, judge me if you wish but know this: I already know that I suck at Spanish). Then I went to the band room figuring that I could practice. Practice what, I have no idea considering that people were still going through tryouts and therefor we had

Chiarlift Wednesday, Creepy Thursday

On Chairlift Wednesday we had the Charley Banks State Relays, nothing really special there. My team took 4th. I went out first using classic technique, Ingrid went out next also using classic, then Maggie went out skating, and lastly Madison also skating. The boys team didn't do so well. I believe that they took 15th or somewhere near there. I'll put a link down below to the results posting. The most exciting thing about the races was that afterwards I realized that I hadn't put my brace on. I was really happy though, because I saw my friend Everett! Side note: He loves, I mean loves , Cher and instead of calling him Everett I refer to him as Cher. I met him in West Yellow Stone and since none of my friends went (they don't ski) they've only heard of him and don't even know his real name because I'm always referring to him as Cher.  I had a good time hanging out with him and his team. They're all nice and very funny! I laughed so much that day! I bet y

Blizzard Sunday, No School Monday, and Uruguayan Monday!

Finally! We had a blizzard!! What do I do during such an event? I'll tell you, I went outside and made a snow fort! As there's over a foot of thick white flakes fall down from the sky, I don my snow gear and grab a shovel. It took awhile but I piled slightly over five feet of snow in about a six foot hemispere, then dug it out. I took the snow from that and piled it next to it. After that I added more snow to the new pile, making it larger (but still smaller than the original) and started hollowing it out. That part was harder because instead of making another intrance, I had the one from the orginal and just connected the two using a small tunnel. So first I had to dig the tunnel, then to dig out the edition I pile the snow up at it's intrance until I had a decent sized pile, where I then pushed it all through the tunnel. After pushing it through the tunnel I'd pile it up at the real entrance, and go back to digging out the edition. Once I had repeated this process a c


...and then i lost it. *hangs head and cries* The day started out pretty good. Except for the fact that the shower broke, and when I tried to wash my hair in the kitchen sink I discovered that the sink was also broken. As I attempted to figure out how to get the shampoo/conditioner out of my hair time slipped away.By the time my ride came I had just barely managed to be ready. That really just means I managed to do my hair and get dressed, and make a lunch. My bag was already packed and so was most of my food. I wound up eating breakfast on the bus and breakfast was a bag of dorritos. -_- After that things got better, I went to sleep, woke up at Gaints Ridge. We had just about the entire chalet to ourselves (though we all crowded together anyways) and had a good time just relaxing and mentally preparing for race one. The first race was skate, and the course was all hills. Up and down, with the ups being just gross. I started out pretty good, but halfway through started to feel tired,

I was deep within enemy territory...

Wednesday we (the concert and symphony bands) went to Duluth for contests. But what is contest? From what I gathered it was this; we got all dressed up in black, played our pieces, and we were judged based on our playing and what not. Now you my be wandering what this has to do with being within enemy territory. Well that's simple, they were help at the Duluth East high school. Duluth East has a huge ski team, almost always wins, and they come from a rich a school. I mean seriously they all seem to come from money. I had hung out with a couple of them in West Yellow Stone which automatically makes me an expert. It's not like they flaunt it, but at the same time they don't try to hide it. I'm friends with some of them, it's not like they're actually our (the ski team) enemy, we just call them that. If you've been part of a sports team then you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't been part of a sports and don't know what I'm talking abo

Last night's dream...

Well sections are this Thursday at Gaints ridge and as you can probably guess, I'm freaking out. I am so nervous  I am on verge of making state according to my coaches (so is Maggie), and I want it so bad, I can taste it. But I gave this terrible fear of failing(actually I always have that fear, but this is something I really love, and want to excel in) and it's just adding to this great pressure to do well that I feel. Which leads me to my dream: I'm at sections waiting for the guy to count down until it's my turn to go out. It's skate, the first race of the day, and I am ready to go. My couches have prepped me, it's skate I got this. 5...4...3...2...1...GO! I'm off, the girl who went out with me is falling behind. I'm going hard, I won't allow her to pass me. I race ahead of her. Then there's random flashes of me skiing. I've passed the finish line and am using my inhaler. I'm dieing both physically and emotionally. I'm freaking ou

I did it

Yes, that's right. I told Jacob Fannin yes! I sent him a message last night, and he says that his schedule is clear for the date that I've set up. I am so excited! I really love his music. Now I have another reason to look forwards to the end of the school year. See I set it up so that we do it the day after school ends, which just happens to be a Saturday. This way, we can have an end of the year party, get a concert, and hang out with Jacob Fannin! Being the end of the year, a Saturday, and the day after school ends, no one is busy. There's no practices (it being a Saturday), no school (it being a Saturday and the first day of summer vacation) and since its the day after school ends no one will have left for vacation yet. It's perfect! Then after wards we're going to go backyard camping,because Grayci wants us to before Max leaves to go back to Germany. Well that's really all I have to say in this post.

Love his music

Picture this: September 19th 2012, homecoming week at school, a bus full of sweaty and tired cross country runners pulls up outside just a boys volleyball game starts up inside, and two teenage girls get off discussing a musician that had been at the school earlier in the day when they look at one of the painted doors of the school and see that he's playing at the Reif in half an hour. That's how I stumbled upon Jacob Fannin. Truth be told, I didn't want to go, but my best friend Bailey did. Why did I not want to see him? Simple, I was mad that he hadn't been there to see the marching band. Yes, it's stupid, but when Gundy told us at practice that morning (this year we offered marching band as a class, this way we could practice every morning in edition to our regular practice) that we'd have some musician here who'd watch our show, and play some music for us. But I went, because Bailey had heard him during choir and her and Autumn loved him, and I didn'