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West Yellowstone 2013

So we got screwed over for Yellowstone this year. The bus is first come, first serve. That is the rule and it is even on the paperwork three times. Well Bonnie overbooked the buses and so she gave our seats away!! She gave them to Duluth East kids who signed up later and didn't bother to tell us about it until the week before we were supposed to leave. It's not just us Rapids kids whose seats she gave away, but people from other teams that aren't Duluth East. Made me so mad.

Thankfully Hans' family let Maggie and I hitch a ride in their van, since they were already driving to Yellowstone anyways. So we wound up with eight of us crammed into their van. Two adults, four upperclassmen, a preteen and a youngin.Not to mention all our crap and equipment. For eighteen-twenty hours. Though I almost couldn't go, but because my doctor's incompetent and said that I'd be cleared for sports by Sunday even though it'd only been a week since the accident.

Eventually we made it to West Yellowstone, and checked into our hotel rooms. We still stayed with the Duluth East kids and Maggie and I roomed with two awesome girls. I really enjoyed the time we all hung out together and we still get together at meets (err meet).

I won't bore  you with the details, except to give a brief outline of our daily schedule:
I'd wake up before everyone, go and get some breakfast, eat it in the room and then shower
While I was in the shower they'd get up and dress before going to get food
Then we'd all make sure we were ready and head out
In the morning it was a 2-3 hour free ski period and I skied over 20k each morning
Then we'd go back to the hotel and EAT, then either rest or explore
Every afternoon we'd break into our groups and do specified technique work with coaches
After we'd EAT and hang out.

That was basically what we did everyday. Except Wednesday which was when all 81 teenagers and all the coaches and the few adults that came, skied into Yellowstone National Park in the morning and then had a homework day the rest of the day. I sat in front of my laptop with my music and wrote a six page essay. Then one of my roommates and I went out for a long ski. During which I double poled for the whole two hours. By the end I couldn't feel my arms and my abs were just pained. Sometimes I really hate myself *shakes head in laughter*

Tuesday was the first day of the expo and as we were waiting for it to start I was talking to the guy from Wooden Ski. It turns out he sponsor Eric Bjornsen and Reese Hanneman!! Two kick butt skiers. I also really look up to Eric, like a lot. Well the guy (I'm sorry, but I'm bad with names) told me that Eric would be there later that night. I was so excited!! But then we thought the doors were about to open and my roommates wanted to go. It was a false alarm, and so were just standing there shooting the bull when I looked back just as Eric walked in. The guy starts talking to him and then points to me and gestures me over. The look on my face was one of pure jubilation! So I met Eric and shook his hand and everything!! He gave me his autograph and I nearly died.

Then the doors opened for real and I rejoined my roommates to push and shove our way inside.I talked to a lot of people famous and otherwise and learned much information. That what I really loved about the expo, was learning the information and experiences. I bought a buff and a calender from the NNF (National Nordic Foundation) and it turns out that I had been talking to Eric Packer. For like a half hour and I didn't even realize it! He told me his name and showed me his picture in the calender!! Gosh, I must've been in a daze after Bjornsen. I also met Caitlin Compton who went to the 2010 Olympics!!

Before we left I ran into Eric Bjornsen again and he saw that I had some information about APU (one of the colleges I'm looking at), well he goes to APU and we sat and talked for awhile. It was surreal, here I was talking to Eric Bjornsen about colleges and stuff. It was so cool. Plus I got another look at APU and that was cool. Also he gave me his personal email! I hope he doesn't read this and see how I totally just fangirled over him. Though he'd have no reason to read this and probs forgot ever meeting me. But whatever!

On the second and last day of the expo I had decided that I would ask Eric if i could interview him for my essay. The one I'd written just that day. It's about pressure put on young athletes to perform. Well he wan't there, everyone who had been there the first day was replaced by others on the next. Instead I met some more awesome athletes and learned more information. One of the athletes I met was Tad Elliott!! I asked him if I could interview him for my essay and he said yes! Then he gave me his cell phone number and email and told me to get in touch so we could do it!
The next day was Thanksgiving and Maggie Hans and I spent it with Hans' family in the house they had rented. We ate good food, talked and us teenagers hung out in the outdoors hot tub. Sweet experience by the way! Surrounded by snow and mountains with a full sky of stars above and good friends around you. It was nice.

Friday was the last day Duluth as staying in Yellowstone and so after a morning ski Maggie, Hans ans I packed up and moved in with Hans' family for the weekend. I am so grateful for the Virens and their hospitality in taking Maggie and I in. They're the reason this whole trip was possible for us, and they were so kind. They're really good people and I wish there was some way to let them know just how much that meant to me!!

Friday before we left I watch the Supertour Sprint Races. Wow. That's all I have to say. It was so amazing watching them race!! Especially how powerful the men were!! They were literally coming off the ground on every upstroke!! I can't even jump that high, and yet they're doing it naturally and on skis, and while going uber fast and while still being these freaking graceful giant speed demons! It was just awe inspiring to watch. At the end I was even able to congratulate Reese Hanneman on his race! He had an awesome race and came in either second or third in the final heat. And what a finish it was.

Then on Saturday afternoon I met with Tad Elliott and did the interview. We also wound up talking about other things, like comparing accidents (he won, professionally mountain biking will do that to someone), talking how he can't sit still. Seriously he was just constantly on the move. Then we talked about other things, and it was cool. I also impressed him. It's true, he was impressed with the fact that I am a PSEO student, So now he thinks I'm really smart. Then he called Matt Liebsch and I got to interview him too! That guy can go off on a tangent! and when I say "a"  I mean he couldn't stay on one subject long enough!! It was funny though cause at one point I also impressed him and now he thinks I'm deep. I had asked him about where he feels the pressure comes from and one of the examples he gave me was the fans. He does well, they're happy, but he does bad and they're not so happy. I said that that's because we see athletes and how they perform as a reflection of ourselves. I really enjoyed the opportunity though and am extremely glad that they were willing to take time out of their day and meet with some girl for an essay.

Twenty hours later we were home. Since no one was here at my home I went to Benat's. There was hugging. He literally picked me off the ground in a massive bear hug. Then he insisted I go to this thing International Club was doing. I didn't go, not because I didn't want to but because I figured I'd been gone long enough. He did come over later that night though and helped me put something together. Then we just hung out in my room and he made fun of my map. Again.


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