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Snowball with my bromate!!

Since we were screwed over for Yellowstone (I'll explain in the next post) we were able to go to Snowball after all. Just to let you know when I say Bromate I mean Hans.  It was so bad because two days before Snowball I realized that I only had my dress. No shoes, no plans for hair and makeup, no idea what I was going to do! I remember talking on the phone with my friend Autumn and she had no plans either, it was then that we started our new saying of "I just don't even care." Best saying ever. I cannot even begin to tell you how many times I have used it since then!
Autumn (credit- Autumn's phone)

So we were on the phone talking to each other and both of us were in our dresses walking around our respective houses, trying to figure out what to do. I managed to find a pair of heels, and we decided to go to our friend Sara's early and just get ready there.
This is my attractive friend Sara (credit- Sara)

 On dance say I accompanied Autumn to get her hair done and wound up getting mine done too! It was quite the experience and something I've never done before so I really enjoyed getting the chance to do it. It was so funny though because all I had on was sweats and a jacket. I hadn't put on a shirt or anything and the woman who did my hair asked me to unzip my jacket a bit so it was out of the way. I was just like "....uhh...okay..." thankfully she then whipped the cover thingy over me before anyone saw all my cleavage that I don't have.

Since I got my hair done there i had a couple hours before I had to worry about makeup and wound up just chilling in Sara's room with her, Autumn and Yuki (Japanese exchange student we met in cross country running, and who joined the ski team) in my strapless bra and spandex shorts.
Yuki (credit- Facebook)
Well it turns out her older brother was home...and a mutual friend of him and I.... I found out when I was headed to the bathroom with Grayci to "assist" in her makeup when they walk out of Sam's room. Which happens to corner the door to the bathroom. I looked at at them. They looked at me. And as I literally dove into the bathroom Sam all but yells "Sorry!" and slams his door shut. It was awkward and I'm glad they left right away.
Sam and Solvieg pre-snowball (credit-Sam's parents)
Jason, our mutual friend, and his mom
(credit-his mom)
I eventually put some clothes on and then all the girls began to show up, so we took some pictures as we waited for our dates. Unless otherwise notes, all photo credit goes to Mr. & Mrs. Smokrovich!
Autumn, Johannah, Grayci and Sara (credit-Autumn)
Autumn and Myself
(credit- Autumn)
Autumn, Grayci, Bethani, Sara, and Bailey
Grayci, Autumn, and Sara (credit-Sara)
Sara, Eva, Yuki, Grayci, Autumn, Joanna, Maddiem, Johanna, & Me
Joanna, Autumn, Grayci, Me, Maddie, Johannah,
Yuki, Eva, and Sara
Maddie, Yuki, Joanna, and Eva
Sara, Joanna, Autumn, Me, Johannah, Maddie, Grayci, Yuki, and Eva

And then our dates arrived:
In order of dates:
Somer & Eva, Benat & Joanna, Marcus & Maddie, Hans & Me, Grayci (her date was Bethani),
Sara & Autumn, Will & Yuki, Wyatt & Bailey, Johannah
Myself and Hans
We won the most attractive award (credit-Autumn)
After pictures we had a fancy dinner, which I ate a lot of since, ya know, I hadn't eaten in three days!
2 plates of lasagna, 4 pieces of garlic bread,
and two pieces of pie later...

We then went to the dance and Hans and I jumped right into line to get our pictures taken. This is the unoficail one taken by Mrs. Schlauderaff: 
I'll hopefully post the one Shonna (the photographer) took sometime in the near future! If you want to check out Shonna's facebook page you should check it here ----->

The dance was a lot of fun and afterwards we had a party at Sara's house. I wound up just about falling asleep around 4am against Marcus *shudders at the memory*.  Thankfully Han's mom showed up to collect us, and we headed out for West Yellowstone!


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