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I went for a ski yesterday

I'm kinda maybe possibly grounded until tomorrow (the truth does not set you free btw!!), and all I can do is go to work and go to skiing. So I told my mom Marlo wanted me to do a volume ski this weekend (which is true) and so I went to Mt. Itasca and skied for about two and a half hours.

This building at the top of the wall.
We call it "the shack"
All I did the entire time was climb. I went up to the top came back and went up again. The last hour all I did was go straight up the switch back and the wall (the entire wall, not just the first hill but all three) and then come down part of the service road where I'd take a sharp right turn up and do the biathlon loop because there's a wicked downhill which would connect me back to the service road and then take one of three options until I got back to the bottom where I'd start again. I did that over and over for an hour!!

At the top of the wall. See those tracks? Mostly me.
I climbed it a lot....
View from the top of the wall. It's waaayyy better in person.

It was really awkward because Vlad and Vasek were there, which is why I wound up climbing the whole time. I was kinda trying to avoid them. Vlad is the biathlon coach and I swear he thinks I'm incompetent, plus he mildy scares me and I'm pretty sure he hates me... Vasek is his son and....well it's Vasek. We're like polar opposites. It was really weird because at first I thought Vlad was Honza (His oldest son who's my age) when I saw him through this crack thing.

I only stopped when my shoulder started hurting. I had had tendinitis of the shoulder this summer, and so I was worried if I continued I would bring it back. Which is something I do not want!! At all. Not even a little bit!!!
I hope you enjoyed your reading and get out there and ski!!!


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