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Ich verstehe German!

Okay, that was a lie. I only somewhat understand German. While I was stuck taking Spanish all my friends (all my friends that I hang out with and talk to on a regular basis) took German, the language I wanted to take. My mom made me take Spanish on the basis that in America it's more practical. The thing is, I want to move to Europe where knowing German is probably more practical. I've wanted to move there since I was in eighth grade. Plus I suck at Spanish. No matter what I do, I just am not that good at it. No entiendo Espanol. Okay, that's also a lie, but you get what I'm saying!!
Three of my German Speaking friends in their sweet German shirts!
Grayci, Bailey, and Autumn (credit: Autumn)
When they feel like being butts they'll start speaking German to each other, so I wind up sitting there going "I hate you guys" and speaking to myself in horrible Spanish. I just want to say something, I don't hate the Spanish language, I just don't understand it for some reason. I also can't pronounce most of the words because they have 'r's in them and I have trouble with 'r's.

From them I have actually picked up some German though, such as "Hast du den verstan verloren?" "Ich weiss nicht" "Bitte" "Danke" "Was ist das?" "Nein" "Kein", you know, some random stuff. I also tend to hang out in the German room when I'm at the high school Frau doesn't care that I'm there as long as I don't disrupt and aren't missing class. I'm pretty sure I'm in German more than I'm in Spanish. I'm also pretty sure I know more German than Spanish.

My German best friend Maximapad
Johanna, Autumn, Max, Rachel, and Sara (credit: Bethani)
I have this friend Max, he was an exchange student from Germany last year and well....we're getting married. Once he finally accepts my marriage proposal that is. He keeps rejecting it fr some reason!! Maybe I should wait until he's not in a relationship....I wonder if that'd help. The only problem is he wants to live in America and I want to live in Germany. With problems like that our marriage might not last long....that and the fact that we're just bromates.  Ya....maybe I should rethink this whole marriage thing....

The reason I'm writing all this is because I wanted to tell you that I'm learning German! Like actually learning the language. My friend Patrick got a new Ipod so he gave me his old one and I downloaded a German tutor app thingymagig. I've mastered the basic phrases and am now working my way through stuff in the home, which is way more difficult for some reason.

Patrick (credit-Patrick)
Also Patrick. Look at that leg muscle!! (credit-Mrs. Schlauderaff)
My friend Sara's been helping by holding conversations with me in German. It's day four and I'm somewhat almost  understanding things! Yippee!! I even know some words that Sara didn't know and she's in German 3! It's more of a German 4 actually. The school as added this advanced German class and so my friends just kind of skipped German 3. I guess next year they'd take German 5??
Sara. Btw, she is now 17!!! (credit-Autumn)
I hope you enjoyed this rather random post!!!


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