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I am such a loser....

The Sunday before Snowball (girls ask guy winter formal) I was out on my road bike. In the dark. I was going to Marcus's house because we were texting and he was like "WHAT? I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" Which is something we do quite often, and last time I had called him and yelled "WHAT??" into the phone. Well this time I decided I would show up at his front door and do it to his face, and then just leave. It didn't work out that way....
This is what I posted on Facebook that night:

That awkward moment when...
you're biking and take a turn and hit some ice and wipe out and are just laying there trying to catch your breath when this car turns around and a guy gets out and tries to help but you cant help but be a sarcastic tough guy and try to apologize but hes all like "naw its cool" and asks if you can stand and after a couple tries you get up and then he asks "can you put weight on your leg" and so you do but for only a second and say "yup" all the while convinced you broke your leg/hip and his wife is all but hysterical and they keep trying to convince you to go to the hospitable but youre all like "naw" and they keep asking if youre sure and you say that you and that your moms a nurse and they give you a ride home and you accidently terrify their little boy with your tears and force yourself to grow a pair and stop it, so you start talking to him and hes so cute and asks if youre going to go to a doctor and you say no youre okay but thats why you always wear a helmet and he says "but you might need to" and you say "yes thats a possibility" and he tells you that he always wears his helmet and that its red like his bike that has training wheels because he cant ride a bike without training wheels and you just melt inside cause thats just so darn cute and then he points to his hungry hungry hippos game and says "thats my hippo game" and you tell him that you used to have one but you lost it when you moved and he says that he lost his once but then he found it and you tell him that he must be very good at finding things and he says that he knows where all his things are and says maybe someday he can come over and help you find it and everyone laughs and you say maybe someday and then you get to your house and they ask if theres anyone home to help you and you say that your mom will be home soon and they ask if you have anyone to call and you say yeah and they ask if you have a way to call them or if you need a cell phone and you say you do and they offer to help you inside or at least up the stairs but you say you got it and slowly hobble up the stairs and they drive off, and you wave and act like its not that bad even though youre still convinced you broke your leg and your hand hurts and your head hurts and youre just really glad you always wear a helmet and that you didnt rip your awesome jacket or break your ipod but you do feel bad because you lied to them about your mom being home soon because she just started work and by the time shes home youll be at school

Moral of the story: little kids are the greatest

Well my mom saw that and freaked out. She had my Aunt come and pick me up even though it was midnight-thirty (four hours, a chunk of gauze and a lot of tape later), and even though I said I was fine. So I went and just like I said I was fine! Minus the concussion, leg contusion, huge bruise, swelling, sensitivity, headache, and inability to properly walk or touch it. Besides that I was fine. According to the doctor I even have beautiful pelvic bones!

On the bright side I didn't have to go to early bird the next morning. On the down side I suffered from headaches, it hurt to walk, I couldn't put pants on without pain, wasn't allowed to workout, he slightest touch hurt, and yeah...

Then that Wednesday I was at work and was feeling crappy. Not even an hour in I ran to the bathroom and threw up. So I went home. I had a terrible headache, nien, migraine, my leg was killing me, and the slightest movement made me throw up. So I called Benat and he brought me over some sierra mist since it's spose to calm the stomach. The first thing he said when I opened the door was "You look like shit" then he asked me how I was feeling. Then he grew quite mad that my mom left, I calmed him down. Well I told him I was okay, which he didn't buy, and he grew quiet on the subject. Before he left he hugged me twice, kissed me on the forehead and hugged me again. He's just so cute. He told me that anything I need, he's here for me. *insert gooey smiley face here* I lost over four pounds that night and was still sick Thursday, and unable to eat on Friday. So I didn't eat anything for three days, and didn't eat until Saturday evening.

I continued to lose weight for the next two-two and half weeks. I've gained most of it back, but am still four pounds lighter than in the beginning of November and can't seem to gain it back. Still no idea why I kept losing weight but whatever!


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