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Timberman Triathlon

Okay, this one really is going to be short. I don't really have much to say besides what's about to be said. on!

First off do you know what a triathlon is? Or what the Timberman triathlon is? You don't? Let me explain then. A triathlon is where you swim, bike, and run. You're timed in each event and your transition time (how long it takes you to go from one event to the next) also counts against you. The Timberman is a triathlon held in Grand Rapids MN. It has a long course (mile swim, 26.2 mile bike, and a 10K run. But don't quote me on the bike) and a sprint course (1/3 mile swim, 13.1 mile bike, and a 5K run, but don't quote me on the bike again). It's a fun event put on every year and draws a nice crowd of people from every age and fitness level.

I did the short course and this is how it went:


The swim was by far my worst event. I did it in my sports bra and spandex shorts (last year I did it in normal shorts and nearly lost them!) since I don't exactly have "proper" attire. Anyways...Right off the bat I was having trouble. I'm not much of a swimmer and hadn't swam at all this summer, which makes me glad it was only 1/3 mile! I almost didn't make it during the swim and am pretty sure there's still lake water in my lungs!! I swear I was like the last one out of the water, and had never been so grateful for land. I would've loved to have been able to stop and curl up in a ball right there, but alas, there was biking to do. And so as I expelled water from my lungs I tossed om some shorts over my spandex, put my shoes on and headed out to bike.


I enjoyed the bike even though it was painful, and the heat didn't exactly help! I like the course though, and it's really nice because the volunteers swept the rocks off. It's also terrifying! Why you may ask? The "hardcore" triathletes have bikes with this thing in the wheel and when they come up behind you it sounds like a car! You know it's not a car, but at the same time you have  mini heart attack especially because they go by right next to you! I always wonder about what would happen if they sneezed you jerked their handle bars and you both go flying then the people behind you crash into you and then you have a massive pile up and road rash. Something I found out after the bike, my rear brakes were rubbing against my wheel slowing me down by at least 2 minutes according to the man who built the bike. I know 2 minutes doesn't sounds like much, but it can make a huge difference. With quads burning, calves cramping, sweat a-flying and asthma creeping up I moved onto the final task. The run.


Despite the ablove mentioned minor aches, the run wasn't too bad. I saw many people I knew out cheering which prompted me to finish. Instead of letting my mind wander (as usual, which isn't very helpful during a short race) I imployed the same technique I used during the half marathon. I focused on someone ahead of me and worked on catching up and passing them. So ya... that's it.


So afterwards I was eating watermelon and talking to my friends Oskari and Nora (Finnish siblings who spent the year here) when we notice a guy doing some sweet handstand moves. Well Nora and I began to clap and he drops to the ground and shyly smiles before coming over and talking to us. Well we had a nice conversation, but eventually Nora and Oskari had to leave. Well Nora had to leave, Oskari had raced as part of a team and was staying for awards. Oskari left to go hang out with his team. Damon (the guy) and I continued talking and then went swimming and talked some more. I got his number and we haven't seen each other or talked since.


The guy in the middle? Damon.
The guy with the beer is his friend Adam who I've sort of become friends with
because we run into each other at races.

Part of the bike corral. PART OF

Nervous smile. I was trying not to safety pin myself!

After the bike. Running to put it away.

Shaking hands with the officials

Contemplating what I got myself into. Notice the guy in
the foreground? He's pretty amazing!

Petra (my ski coach) and I after the race

Oskari and myself after the race. Going back for more

Right after the race. That girl I'm talking to?
Erin Baker, she's an amazing runner and has gone to state
every year since 7th grade (the earliest you can go).
If she makes it this year she'll be only the second girl (or person)
in our school to go every single year. (she's a senior)

The awards ceremony. I was second, the girl in white won. (That's Anna Kubek
more on her later)

Over 80 years old and still competing!!

Thought you'd enjoy this!


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