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Does 2 hours count as an OD run?

Well if it does then I just did my first OD run. Btw, OD stands for Over Distance. I ran a total of 15.6 miles in 2hours 1minute and 8seconds. burned 1,467 calories, and managed not to hurt myself. Here's how it went:

I started out from my house and ran along the lake to the fair grounds where I could enter the Mesabi Trail. Then I just ran along the trail for awhile in the cold, while it snowed, and was really windy. Then I decided I'd run along this branching of trail and  go to Deer River, it's only an additional 22miles I quickly lost the trail when it came out on a road and just turned around. From there I waved hi to a fisherman and his family and resumed running on the Mesabi Trail. Then I decided to follow another branch off to Gunn Park and from there run to my friend Max's. I was almost there when I realized  I was still only an hour in. So I did what anyone would do...

I started running along random trails through the woods. I did come along a collapsed shack and because I've read too many books and watched too many movies, I had to make sure it wasn't a secret trap door and there weren't children or something like that under there. Then I just got really creeped out and ran along a different trail.

Once I got bored of running along trails I began to trail blaze. It was more like parkour through the woods. Ya, for some reason the spot I picked to start trail blazing went along a steep downhill and was covered in fallen trees. Terrible place to trail blaze, but boy was it fun. I felt so cool, I was running diagonal down the hill, jumping over trees, sliding and crawling under them. Man I felt unstoppable!

Pretty soon though I realized I was far from the trail, but knew I was close to the road leading to the park. The only problem with getting to said road, was to cross a small river. I was cold and the bandages on my feet came off irritating my healed blister and my non-healed one. So now I have a blister on a blister.

The problem with running along roads is the people. I hate it when people slow down, it completely creeps me out. Then there's the people who honk and you have no idea who's in the car or why they're honking.

Anyways, I ran around Gunn park for a bit then headed off for the last few mile to Max's house. I wound up at his driveway with 5 minutes left! I couldn't just leave it there. No way, I did not come all this way to just be done with only 5 minutes left. Instead I continued on for another 2 minutes turned around hit his driveway with another minute left. Which was perfect because I has kinda a long driveway. Thank goodness he was home. It would've sucked if no one was home.

His "family" taught me how to play ummm...I think it was black jack and poker. It was really funny because he's an exchange student and so is his "cousin" (hence all the "s), and so we're sitting across from his "parents" and it goes: Vince from France, Max from Germany, and me the African-American. It was fun, and I'm glad for the chance to hang out there. I really enjoy his host parents. They're really smart and have done some cool things in their lives.

well I'm going to grab a quick snack and either go roller skiing or head off to Nate and Rachels!
Thanks for reading! Have a great day!!


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