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Air soft wars, "semi famous people" and generousity

Okay, the title is a lie. There's only one air soft war that's being talked about in this blog. I'm sorry for the deceit :'(

Today a bunch of us went to my friend Jacob L.'s house for an airsoft war. This is pretty amazing because non of us even knew where he lived, he suggested it, and he rarely joins us for get togethers. We were all pretty excited to go! We spent the first hour just messing around with the guns and laughing at Sara because she literally knew nothing about how to use them. Then his dad said there was food, and I was really hungry from track practice, so I look at Autumn and she looks at me. We both put down our guns and got food. It was kinda awkward because we don't know Jake's family and we kinda just walked in without him. 

  • The air soft war was like all airsoft wars. Everyone running around trying to not to get shot while trying to shoot someone else. Somethings that were different were:
  • Jacob wound up on the roof at one point and I assume trying to snipe people with a pistol seeing how he didn't have either of the two rifles.
  • I was hit IN the mouth. Ricocheted off my tooth and everything.
  • Calvin got hit in the face with the CO2 pistol by Autumn, who happens to be his girlfriend. There was some blood
  • I slid into the ditch
  • The German exchange student is totally boss at airsoft wars
  • Jake is very sneaky!!
Then afterwards we all just hung out for a couple hours, before heading home. It was a good day!

"semi famous people"

The Jacob Fannin house concert was cancled, but I've still been talking to Jacob, you know asking questions and what-not. I'm kind of a question asker, and frequently learn total strangers' life stories! :) I told Jacob L. that I was talking to Jacob Fannin again and this is part of the conversation that then transpired:
Jacob L.
awesome weird

I don't really talk to a lot of famous or  semi-famous people. Just 2 or 3 maybe 4. I don't know, it just kinda happens!!

Generousity, This past year I have come to realize how kind and generous people in my life are. I mean they should be recognized or something. Not just for the things they do for me, but what they do for the community, for the ways they enrich the lives of others around them. That's what the world needs, more people like them. Thank you for everything you have done, you help make the would a better place one person at a time.


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