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It was a good day

While I may have gotten to school late, wearing dirty sweatpants, hungry, and tired but the day turned out pretty well.

Since there's still MCA testing going on and the most of the band has them first hour, we aren't doing anything. So while everyone else hung out in the big band room Calvin and I went into the smaller band room. He played with the percussion stuff and I took a nap. 
Second hour History was nothing new. We were assigned a small group project and then he left for the rest of class. The project is to study Vietnam using our book, and then to make a 25-30 slide power point on it, and afterwards we will be tested upon it. 
In English I zoned out a lot, but it's okay we were just finishing up presentations and I still managed to take notes. 
It's Wednesday so we had 3.5 hour, I read my book and somewhat paid attention to the video we were suppose to be watching. No ever pays attention in that class, it's a complete waste of money. The goal of it is to prepare kids for after high school, but it's not helpful. It does nothing to prepare us for the real world, even the teachers agree. 
Biology was fun, and I had a nice conversation with Pav after class about age and societies fixation on it. 
Then for lunch I hung out in the little alcove like area outside the small band room and jazz choir room doors. After conversing with Jackie I took a nap. 
I have math fifth hour and was glad to learn that even though I wasn't in that class for most of the past two weeks, I quickly caught onto what it was they had learned.  Now just gotta finish catching up on that classes make-up work.
Sies hora. Tengo la clase de Espanol. No me gusta la clase de Espanol. No hablo, escribir, escuchar, o leer Espanol. No comprendo Espanol. 
Thank goodness that I have seventh hour study hall. During it I finished an English test, worked on a drawing and attempted to hack my way through some Spanish. 

Track was easy. Just ran to Murphy Hill and did 10 hills. The best part was when this dog came out of nowhere after the second hill and adopted us. By the eighth hill we realized we should send him on his way home and I tried. I ran a little ways away from the sprinters and he followed. When I told him home he looked at me with those puppy dog eyes, and when I said it firmer he slowly turned around and walked back to the team. I said I was sorry and he came trotting back to me. He's so cute! Sadly we had to return him and ran to KJ's (coach) aunt's house where we called his owners. Then it was back to the high school to work on high jump. We changed how I approach the bar and my form's look better! 

Before I go away, I have one more thing to say. Jessie Diggins is having a party of sorts for all people within the Nordic ski community. I'm currently attempting to find any ride possible so as to be able to go. She's kinda my idol. Hopefully all works out! If you want to find out more about who she is or about the party just click in her name above!

Goodnight and goodbye!


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