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Hawai'i Day Two

You may be wondering why I spelled it "Hawai'i" instead of "Hawaii". Well that's how people spell it here, and I figured the whole when in Rome saying applied here too. 

The morning started off with an AMAZING breakfast. I even tried something new for a change and actually mostly liked it! Afterwards we loaded up on buses and departed for Secret Island. Our bus driver was the best and told us many things.

Banana Trees!

You can't tell from the picture, but their license plates all have rainbows on them.
Fun Fact: that's because rainbows are seen everyday here


In Minnesota you'd never see an older gentleman with shorts this short!

Before we go to the boat we met up with this guy, who taught us more and was really funny!

Making fire with nothing but two sticks and coconut fibers!

Posing for the camers

Shelling a coconut

The shelled coconut

 After he shelled it and cracked it open he called me to the stage...

Ya...I'm in a dress...

Drinking coconut milk. Reminds me of 3rd grade

Afterwards he gave me and three other girls headband things made out of the leaf of a tree with a flower on  it. The side that the flower's on means something. On the left-I'm married or taken. Right-I'm single adn ready to mingle. Middle front-I'm an open relationship. Back-basically, let's get it on!

My headband.
He made Emma run for hers

Then we hopped on the boat and went to Secret Island. While there I learned that I'm pretty boss at paddle boarding. I'm still trying to convince Gundy that the band needs one. Haha. 

I also took out my goggles and snorkel and checked out the coral. If you're calm the fish will come out and swim around you!

When we first got there, there was a group of 7th graders crowded around the swing. They were trying to see who could climb it using only upper body strength. I did it! It was really fun.

On our way back one of our buses had a spot of trouble and started smoking...

They had to call a fire truck

Firetruck driver

You can't see him but there's also a cop

Once we go to hotel i took some pictures of our room:

Spent the morning watching Japanese TV

Ya, a second balcony

We marched in the Merry Monarch Parade. Had a meeting then walked around looking for food. After two hours we found Wally! He was selling cookies. In my next post I'll have more about him up and put a link to his websites!


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