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Asthma scores one

Today we were suppose to have a track meet had been rescheduled, but it was cancelled.That was bad and good. Bad, because I had to take the Spanish test and I'm pretty sure I failed. Good, because I wound up being all asthmatic for the day. I seriously could not breath, but get this; I had a perfect oxygen levels and there was no wheeze or anything. No reason for me not to be able to breath and yet I couldn't. Hopefully it doesn't happen again.

Since I decided I shouldn't go to track I ran errands instead. Pretty boring. Afterwards I ran over to the Armory, talked for a bit, then came home to work out. I didn't work out then, there wasn't enough time before dinner. The problem was I ate so much, I just had to walk it off. I walked it off right to Nate and Rachel's. I played with Cora, who was very excited to see me, and got her nice and hyped up before bed time. Nate loved that. While he tried to put her to bed I hung out upstairs with Rachel as she fed Nolan. He's so cute! He's also huge. He's only three months old, yet he's already wearing 6 month clothes. He's not fat per say, more oblong (he's father's words not mine!). It was Rachel's first day back at work (she's been on maternity leave) and she was just exhausted and went to bed asap. Nate and I talked for another hour-hour and a half as Nolan slowly nodded off. I like that they have always treated me as an equal, and not as a child. It makes me feel like I matter, and allows me to open up more. For example: Nate and I talked about Vietnam, and our views on it, we talked about college, home life, the reason's behind why we were/are motivated to go to college and succeed in life, what it really means to succeed in life. Things like that. Rachel and I talked about the band trip (both hers, and mine), engineering, the future, having children. Things like that.

Once I got home at a little past nine (about three hours after I had left),  I finally worked out. 31 minutes of strength and 10 minutes of cool down stretching. Not too hard, though thanks to asthma I was breathing hard early on.

Well it's back to hitting the books! Bio test tomorrow and MCA's Thursday and Friday! Not to mention projects and normal homework...

Good Bye and Good Night!


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