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I missed school GRRR

Not on purpose either. 

Around 630am this morning I crawled into bed. Well not really. I have homework all over my bed, so I had to crawl around it and squeeze myself into the corner, but it was bed nonetheless. My plan was to sleep for an hour, then shower, toss on some sweats and head out. Didn't quite go that way.

I hadn't turned my alarm back on (I shut it off on the weekends) figuring my parent would either wake me up or I'd wake up to her and my younger brother screaming at each other. Instead I woke up half an hour ago to my radio informing listeners of the explosions at the Boston Marathon. At first I thought it had happened yesterday and it was still morning. Ya, no. I found that out when I went downstairs and my brother was dressed. He's never dressed until right before we leave, so I knew it wasn't morning. Looking at the clock helped too.

My mom had the nerve to call me childish and say I'm throwing away my future. Really? I just spent the past two days studying and doing homework. I was looking forward to (and dreading) going to school. I was looking forward to getting rid of all my makeup work, and get out of the house while being able to see my friends. Dreading because I'd be taking two tests, and I'm a terrible test taker. 


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