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Showing posts from March, 2013

Random bits and pieces of stuff

WARNING: There are a lot of pictures While biking with Nick we stopped at the Continental divide, and as we stood there trying to figure out how to tell the other that we should turn back this bike adventure hurts, we heard some snowmobilers. The sound alone was enough for Nick to launch into a rant about snowmobilers, who he, I now know, hates. Well they came up behind us and crossed the road a few feet away from where we were. For some reason there was a large group of them too, I mean since when do they don things in groups? Anyways, as soon as Nick says "They're a bunch of d**ches!" the biggest one goes by. He stops, shuts off the snowmobile and starts walking towards us. We freaked out! I was thinking "Holy fudge knuckles! He heard him!!!", just as Nick says,"Let's go South!" We headed South. Fast. The reason we went South was because it's take us away from the snowmobiler, and farther away from town. That's the reason we kept going,

Cleaning my room

I was cleaning my room today and this is how it went: Ugh, work I got this I have a floor! Boom! One small section cleaned and organized Oh, now the rest of my room is messier Look! A distraction! Food!! Wait, I'm spose to be cleaning... Ok, let's work with the closet Where'd my floor go?! OMG CALL IN THE NATIONAL GUARD! SOMEBODY HELP IT'S GOT ME!!! Distraction Crap! It's almost midnight! I should really get this done.  Ya, I'm just gonna go to bed

What makes a place home?

I was talking with my friend Max just now about where he wants to work. (He wants to be a pilot). He told me he wants to work in the US. I asked him way and this was his reply: "Because i like it over here. It feels like home for me. The US is the place i spent the most time when i wasn't home" I asked him how one defines a home and he told me that everyone has their own definition. I asked him what his is and his reply to that was: "A place where feel comfortable. Where i love to be and have people i love around me" That short part of our conversation made me wonder, what's my definition of a home? Where do I really call home? What do other people call home? Which prompted this post. I'm just going to spew some stuff out and it may or may not make sense.  I've realized that I'm not quite sure what or where I call home. If I used Max's definition I'd get different answers. Where do I feel comfortable? Where ever I'm skiing.

Never again

Today my friend Nick texted me asking if I wanted to go biking with him. I figured it be better for me to go biking than to sprint with my quads acting up. KJ agreed and I met Nick at the fairgrounds. The plain was to bike fifteen miles down highway 38 which is around where Suomi Hills are and go back. What a lie! We biked to Marcel  Which is twenty-five miles down 38. I'm going to assume you've never been down that far, and you don't want to. It's all winding curves and hills. It's dangerous driving down it and painful biking. I'm seriously surprised that besides near frost bite, feet swollen due to cold, muscle cramps, chafing, and the fact that it was freezing we didn't run into trouble. The bike out we had a pretty good pace, and were joking and talking, having a real good time. On the way back, not so much. We tried in the beginning, but those hills and the cold got to us. The hills! They are terrible! It's constant up and down. We completely under

Bailey really is hot!

Something that I forgot to mention in the last post is that Bailey is hot. It's actually a funny story of how that came to be decided for good. (There's been talk about it before, but now it's been decided for sure)  At the meet yesterday concessions was selling pizza, among other things. Well the meet didn't end until almost ten at night and they still had a lot of left over pizza. During the last event, the 4x4, they started just giving out boxes of pizza to everyone who was working at the meet, which was mainly college kids. Then they gave the last 10-20 boxes to these not that bad looking college guys who were out at a table by the entrance. We were (Bailey, Sara and I) starving by the time the meet ended and the aroma of food that engulfed the track was making us almost dizzy. Though that could also have been because Bay and I had just done the 4x4 and Sara had done the 2 mile. Anyways it didn't matter, we wanted food. After we had packed up, we began the

BSU Meet Two

Well yesterdays meet was pretty interesting. For starters there were 29 schools crammed into one small building. That was horrible, it got very hot and very crowded fast. The best part was that my friend Maggie was there! Which also means that Colton was there. That was so awkward. Just an FYI this post is about the social aspects that went on during the meet and not so much the actual meet stuff. I'll start with Colton because the rest of it is just weird ... Anyways, Colton was there. I tried to avoid him as best as I could but due to the fact that he long jumps, or maybe it was triple jump I wasn't really paying attention, and that our camp was right next to the pits I saw a lot of him. Also I hung out at Maggie's team's camp and he's on her team. Turns out she doesn't have that high of an opinion of him either. It was really creepy because he kept looking at me, like every chance he got! Then he comes up tp me and accuses me of stalking him! Maggie and I w

My socks :'(

Every athlete has their own thing that they are convinced they have to do or have to be able to have a successful meet. For me it's my socks. See, this year I was granted the opportunity to go to West Yellowstone and do the training camp. Well on the last day their I bought these pink socks that say "I'm with awesome" and have an arrow pointing up. Ever since I bought them I have not skied without them on. Every practice, every meet. Every ski. Not only did I always wear them, but I absolutely refuse to wash them. Why? Because I had an amazing season straight off (Okay, the tendinitis wasn't really amazing, but technically that developed before I bought the socks). The socks totally made it possible and washing them mean robbing them of the magic that they hold within their pink fibers. It got pretty bad. By the end of the season they could almost stand up on their own. Gross, but that was what I had to have with me every time. The most terribly horrible thing

Funny story...

First things first. If you ever hear someone respond to a question or whatever with "Funny story...", walk away fast. I mean seriously, just leave. Most of the time you will not find it funny. Especially if I say it, so feel free to leave. Go read another blog entry or if you want a good read, read  Jessie Diggins' blog . She's an amazing skier and her blog entries are usually pretty good. Which reminds me that I have read all the through to her most recent blog post! I am now reading through  Reese Hanneman's blog . Okay, back to the story. Well actually we haven't really gotten to the story yet so I guess it would technically be something more along the lines of: Okay, let's get to the story. There that's better. Okay, I'm just going to start a new paragraph and the story shall begin there. So, funny story...After icing various body parts yesterday I started packing for Hawaii. I know we're not leaving until the second but Vienna and I are

World Cup Cross Country Ski Music Video Contest

The US ski team made a music video to the song I knew You Were Trouble by Taylor Swift, Other national ski teams were quick to rise to the challenge. US ski team's video to I Knew You Were Trouble by Taylor Swift Australian ski team's video to I Kissed a Girl by Katy Perry Guys should not be given a video camera haha Wally the Wombat's Music video Australian's wax tech. I have to say that Wally seems to be quite the lady's wombat Okay, I lied. Other nations were not quick to jump to the challenge. But here's some random ski videos instead! Dartmouth Ski team doing Gangnam Style Swiss Ski NLZ also doing Gangnam Style Attack Of La Nina-Matchstick Productions This one is not a music video, but it is so sick! Just, wow! If you liked the last you, you will love this one "Attack of La Nina" Athlete Extra- Eric Hjorleifson Okay, that's all for now!

First track meet!

Yesterday we had our first track meet of the season! As usual it was the Bemidji invite at the BSU indoor track. Now I don't know if what your experience with indoor tracks are, but in my experience as soon as the  meet starts it becomes hot, stuffy, dry and hard to breath. I'm just glad that unlike the usual twenty plus schools crammed into what little space is left in the middle of the track along with the field events,   there were nine schools there. BSU indoor track minus people and field events. (Picture from Google) I think that even though we a pretty new team we did pretty good, and I'm proud of everyone and the absolute effort they put in. Probably the highlight of the day was when all the hurdlers made it into final! That has never happened before! The best part was that besides Abbie and I the rest of the hurdlers were new to it! I wound up in 7th place with 11.49 seconds in prelims and 12.29 seconds in finals. After prelims I started to feel this, hmm I t


So Jake is in New York on his band trip and even though I haven't seen him since the second I miss him so much right now. I just want him to come home and cuddle. Man I love a good cuddle, and he makes me feel secure, and warm and happy and loved. The worst part is that I leave for Hawaii on the second which is three days after he gets back. It may not sound like a bad thing, but when you add in that i have to do all the work that I'll be missing, pack, and go to track practice/a few last minute band practices. He'll have to unpack and catch up on whatever work he missed and what not. When you factor those things in you can see that if we do see each other in those three days, it probably wont be for long. I'm not trying to be a Debby downer, but ya... For however long it is though, I'm going to cuddle him to death. Maybe sneak a few kisses in there. Now I have cuddling on the brain. Well I'm gonna go cuddle up next to my cat instead!


So in my last post I talked about how I was thinking about doing a home baking thing. I went to the Armory to give Sergeant Nelson a cupcake. Side note: A couple weeks ago I had made cupcakes and brought some over for the guys but he hadn't been there that day and therefor didn't get any, which is why I brought one today since I had baked this weekend. Side-side note: They were maple pancake cupcakes with maple butter cream frosting. All homemade. He was in a meeting so I was waiting in the, I don't know, building entrance area(?) I met this woman who was waiting for a her meeting. Side note: Turns out that due to weather her meeting had been canceled and she just hadn't been told. We started talking and she told me that she was here to talk about a party for the US that she was planning for Sunday the weekend before the fourth. So we got to talking about and she was telling me about what food she was thinking of and, I kid you not, a light bulb popped out of my hea

To Bake or Not To Bake...

Turns out that I'm thinking of not going into astrophysics  Shocking considering it's what I've wanted to be since childhood. It's just that lately I've been baking a lot of cupcakes and it turns out that I'm not half bad and I really enjoy baking them, then watching peoples reactions as they take their first bite. So now I'm thinking of maybe opening a bakery in the future instead. Who knows. The easiest way to find out if it's something that I actually want to do is to start offering my services, and I think that that's what I'm going to do. I could offer up my services for grad parties, going away parties, and birthday parties seeing as to how it's about that season. All I have to do is spread the word and hope someone wants to give me a chance. It could be a fun way to make money, I just hope that I don't get in over my head. This is the cake I mad my older brother's 21st birthday. It's a layered chocolate cake with home


I was invited to go to a party. By a senior. BOO-YA!! So Jake and I went. We all mat at the basketball game Side note: We won, after going into overtime and almost a second overtime! The boys  are now going on to either section finals or section quarters.  Then we all went bowling, which hurt my ankle, so that now this morning it's all in a fit. We bowled until 11pm and then went back to Sidney's house were Spencer asked Marly to prom! Aww. There was a huge banner and everything! Once things called down everyone  headed in for food, well Jake, Kali and I already had. Hehehee. How does Cathy manage to make everything taste so good? We played Dance Dance Revolution 4, messed with each other and ate food. Jake and I should never play Dance Dance. We're not the best and look awkward. The entire time I missed my "group", my close friends, the one's who know me, who I actually hang out with. I normally don't hang out with the people who were there, some of them