WARNING: There are a lot of pictures While biking with Nick we stopped at the Continental divide, and as we stood there trying to figure out how to tell the other that we should turn back this bike adventure hurts, we heard some snowmobilers. The sound alone was enough for Nick to launch into a rant about snowmobilers, who he, I now know, hates. Well they came up behind us and crossed the road a few feet away from where we were. For some reason there was a large group of them too, I mean since when do they don things in groups? Anyways, as soon as Nick says "They're a bunch of d**ches!" the biggest one goes by. He stops, shuts off the snowmobile and starts walking towards us. We freaked out! I was thinking "Holy fudge knuckles! He heard him!!!", just as Nick says,"Let's go South!" We headed South. Fast. The reason we went South was because it's take us away from the snowmobiler, and farther away from town. That's the reason we kept going,...