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Showing posts from 2014

I'm back baby!

Okay, so it's been a couple of months since I was last around and blogging stuff about stuff that happens. I apologize, stuff's been busy and hectic and I just haven't had time. But I'm here now, so enjoy lol. I'll make this post quick, and add others later that farther let you know what's been going on. I know!! This one will just be a quick over view of everything, and then I'll explain some of them better, or maybe I won't. We'll see I suppose! Track: Ah, the end of the track season was a mighty one! Ugh, there was this one track meet that was absolutely horrendous. The meet itself was fun, but it's what happened at the end that colored the meet in shades of black. The meet was a close one for girls' teams. It was us versus another team (I've long since forgotten), and it all came down to the 4x400 (not really, there were still other events waiting to be scored). The two teams went a little crazy....We both had giant flags, and bef


And by funny story, I mean not even close. It was the most stressful night of my life, holy Hell. I was literally considering death and/or packing up and moving away in the middle of the night. Okay, so what had happened was that Thursday morning my final paper for composition II. The paper I've been doing research on all semester. The research that is all on my laptop. Along with my paper. The computer that was mistakenly taken the day before my paper was due. See why it was stressful? Yeah, it gets better. Eventually. Somewhat. Autumn and Sara Snapchatting me I didn't freak out at first, because I just assumed it'd turn up. That's how things generally go with me, something happens I freak out or worry and then it turns out that it was stupid to freak out. So I didn't, until later. When it still hadn't shown up and no one could find it. It was bad. I seriously started crying. A lot. I was texting my friend Robin and I feel so bad for him! Having to put u


[editor's note: this was actually like two weeks ago, I just hadn't published it] So yesterday we had our second outdoor meet, which was like our fifth meet overall, and it was, ummmm, interesting to say the least. It was really fun, it didn't even feel like an actual meet because it was just so fun. Oh, FYI there'll be a couple random pictures that have nothing to do with yesterday, I just wanted to share them. Though at the same time there'll be some from yesterday. Keep your eyes open and see if you can tell the difference, cause you probably will be able to. It's really not that hard. This is my life Screen shot this gem off of SkierSayWhat First of all, I didn't sleep at all Monday night. Not a freaking wink. I was up all night talking with Max about things that should've been talked about awhile ago, and getting advice/being all philosophical with Tyson, oh and snap chatting Autumn. Then they all eventually went to bed, Max was the last one


I know I'm suppose to be catching y'all up on what's been going down and stuff, but this takes precedence. So Max got in Wednesday night, and last night we all got together. And by "we all" I really mean Autumn, Max, Sara, Johannah and myself. The plan was that we'd meet at DQ after I got off work at 7. Well since I don't have a car, or a license, I was going to get a ride with Autumn. Well they decided to surprise me at work.  The got MkayKay in on it too. She asked if I would put a cart in the back room for her, but she was acting really weird about it. She was being uber pushy about me bringing it back there, and I called her out on it and she just kept pushing it, so I finally went to put it away.Well I'm coming out of the back room and I see Autumn, Sara and Max running behind my counter. It was so funny, and I was really happy to finally get to see Max in person! I mean it's been 10 months since he left!! New outfit? So we all went to DQ


So track started at the beginning of March, and it's been really boring. I mean really boring. Due to the fact that we have all this snow and it just keeps coming, we've been inside for the entire season. Not even kidding, we've only had a couple of outdoor practices and that's only been when we have those few nice days. Okay, I'm going to go off on a tangent right now and discuss the weather because it is pissing me off. First off all the weather is so crazy. One day school is cancelled because of a snow storm, the next day it's raining like crazy and the next day everyone is in shorts. That's what the weather has been like for the past couple of weeks, not necessarily in that order. It is so annoying. It even snowed a couple of inches last night!! Ugh. Anyways, back to track. Not only has the weather been terrible, and not only have we been stuck inside, but the workouts have been really easy. I'm not just saying that because the ski season really


Sorry I haven't been posting! But as you can infer from the title I haven't had my laptop, and it's been hard to access a computer with my busy schedule that you know nothing about! Don't worry, over the next couple of days I'll try to fill you in on all the "exciting" things that have been happening lately. For right now I'll stick to talking about how excited I am to finally get my laptop back after like a month of not having it. I had sent it in to get fixed because it was bugging out (literally it had a lot of bugs and a couple viruses too). Well they were backed up two weeks and then it took awhile to fix it and then since it was pretty expense, I was unable to pick it up. Even though I really didn't want to I spent most of my last paycheck and picked it up. That's really all I have to say on that actually...It's not very interesting....

Tell me I can't

Two years ago I set an impossible goal, and while I didn't make it last year, I made it to state this year. I'm not exaggerating when I say no one thought I would ever come this far, but I set a goal and I worked hard for it. I know that to some, maybe even all, of you it doesn't seem like much. Here I am going on about making it to state and how hard it was and how rewarding it has been, when the Olympics are going on. I'm actually watching the men's slalom as I write this! But to me this is a big deal. This is my fifth year skiing, and it's been a long a road. My coaches love to remind me of how terrible I was when I first started! I mean they really have a good laugh at my expense (not that I care much, it was pretty funny). So to have come this far in what seems to me like a relatively short time, it's amazing. The reason why I'm rambling on about this is because I want to set another goal. Actually a couple of goals. What I learned is that if you


So I had a little accident Monday before state... At practice we were doing intervals, or pickups, I'm not really sure what to call them... Anyways, the plan was go hard up the service road easy on this turn thingy, work on your tuck down the roller coaster, go hard up the camel humps and tuck it down the service road back to the beginning. I was the first one outside and after a short warm up started right in. Well I was tucking down the roller coaster and as I usually do, cut the inside corner at the bottom of the hill right where it cuts straight back up into an uphill to set me up for the next turn. What I didn't know was that it was uber icy at the bottom of the hill. My skis slid out from under me and I went down hard. Seriously, I left two deep dents in the ice, THE ICE, and slid from the bottom of the hill across to the other side of the trail and up to the top of it. I fell on the same side that I fell on when I had that biking accident, and the bruise on my leg th

Sections 2014, tears were shed...

I started out sections week with my coaches and myself freaking out, because I hadn't been at practice all week due to work. The only day I'd been at practice was the day before sections and only because I managed to find someone who was willing to switch shifts with me! There was a lot of stress going around that week. Okay, on now to the talk of sections!! Some of our awesome cheerers and a couple of their amazing signs!! Credit: Maija Haha, "Ski like the Czechs are watching!" is my favorite sign!! Credit: Shiloh I was really stressed out, and terrified going into sections. I've worked hard the past two years and especially after last year when I hoped and hoped and just missed making it to state, I just couldn't stand it if I didn't make it. I literally pinned everything on this one day. The fear of not making it caused so much mental and physical stress that I just couldn't take it. I was so glad that the day had finally come to get it


So today started off on the wrong foot. Actually on the wrong everything. Holy cheeze-its where's the reset button? Or better yet a Staples button. According to the commercials you press that thing and life becomes organized and not a freaking mess that it really it. I just want to press a button and then be like "Staples, that was easy" cause that'd be awesome. The first thing that went wrong was my alarm went off. I was having a wonderful dream and then that wrecked it. Except I was still so tired I actually thought I was dreaming that my alarm went off and that it was actually only like 5am or something. Took ten minutes to realize it was a dream. Then I went to take my heart rate (something I have to do every morning and night now a days) and that takes six  minutes. So at the end of the six minutes the watch beeps which it normally does to alert me that time's up and I can go about my day. Well I go to see what my heart rates levels and training level are a

JNQ at Mt. Itasca

Yes, I did another JNQ race, and this time it was at home. The day before the race I had a high school one. It was our first (and only) pursuit of the season and man was it a sad one. Most of the time either couldn't make it or was sick. Maggie showed up and wound up just going home. The two of us went out to do a warm up/see the course ski and after the first hill she was dying. That weekend she had an uber high fever and was just sick. I went and did the first race and just had to puke the entire time. Afterwards I did wind up puking a couple of times, and decided that I just shouldn't do the second race. Even though I was sick Friday I still decided to race on Saturday.I did the women's 5k and think I did decently. It was a tough course, well mostly it was just a tough beginning. This is what we did; the right horseshoe into the swamp loop, up the switch back climbed all the way up the way, did a loop up top, went down part of bunny hill connected to the service road,

JNQ in Cable Wisconsin

Last weekend I did my first JNQ races and man was it an experience!! Friday after classes Tony, Cindy and I left for Wisconsin in the hopes of getting there early enough for a ski before it became too dark. Which didn't happen, because of a couple of wrong turns we wound getting there a bit after, and instead just settled into the cabin we had rented for the weekend. About two hours after we showed up Allen and Amy arrived and then we all went to bed early in anticipation of Saturday. Cindy and Tony during one of our card games So Saturday morning we arrive an hour-hour and a half before my race and this is what I learned: 1. The course 2. I would be racing college skiers For my first 10km I don't think I did too bad, especially considering that was one of the hardest, of not the hardest, courses that I've skied. There was one section where it was over 1.5km of straight V1 up hill. The entire course was just two 5km loops of climbing. I'm not even exaggerat