[editor's note: this was actually like two weeks ago, I just hadn't published it]
So yesterday we had our second outdoor meet, which was like our fifth meet overall, and it was, ummmm, interesting to say the least. It was really fun, it didn't even feel like an actual meet because it was just so fun. Oh, FYI there'll be a couple random pictures that have nothing to do with yesterday, I just wanted to share them. Though at the same time there'll be some from yesterday. Keep your eyes open and see if you can tell the difference, cause you probably will be able to. It's really not that hard.
This is my life Screen shot this gem off of SkierSayWhat |
First of all, I didn't sleep at all Monday night. Not a freaking wink. I was up all night talking with Max about things that should've been talked about awhile ago, and getting advice/being all philosophical with Tyson, oh and snap chatting Autumn. Then they all eventually went to bed, Max was the last one at like two or something. Then I just wound up not falling asleep because I was thinking about life, and skiing and stuff. Yeah, I think about skiing a lot. I really like skiing.
This cat that showed up at my aunts last month or something had kittens.
There's 6 or 8 of them.
Then the morning leading up to the meet just sucked. On the bright side I fell asleep in the hallway by the band room and then for an hour on the bus. So yippee? But Autumn and I did get to have girl time on the way to the meet, until I fell asleep that is. I love talking to that girl! We talk about nothing and it's still amazing. Once we got there though, everything changed. The day stopped sucking, and became fun.
You get some odd looks if you walk around town like this...
The first thing I did was pee. Then after that I went down to do pole vault. Now I have never in my life pole vaulted or even so much as touched a pole. So this wasn't the best idea. The first time I did it I basically ran onto the mat, yet somehow ended up landing on the pole anyways. The second time was a little better. At this point the other teams had started giving me advice, I was doing that bad. The third time was probably the best one. This picture sums it up:
And that was only 6ft #WhatAStud
Then I was anchor in the 4x200, and that's a pretty short race for me. I can't sprint, I'm not Bolt, I can't just go and go fast. Well then right after that I was in the 4x100, which I repeatedly told my coach he probably didn't want to put me in it. If the 4x200 is a struggle, think of me doing a 4x100. I ruined it for us I think, actually I'm pretty sure. We still placed 5th though so there's that. My last event was 300 hurdles, which is my event. It's the only one that I'm actually good at, and this was the day I'd PR. Then I found out there was a girl in my heat (the fastest girl there) who ran a 47, and died inside.
Haha, Snapchat with Autumn |
So my race was going really well, I mean I was on the wrong foot the whole time, but I was still tied for second coming in the final stretch. We were neck in neck and then the third to last hurdle came up, I felt strong and good and then just slammed into it. My trail knee just completely smashed it, and the hurdle went all sideways in the lane and my body went all down to the ground. First my leg hit and then my arm and I just rolled up and out. Never stopped, just ninja rolled off the ground and was off like a rocket. I didn't get second, but did wind up fourth overall, with a time of 52 seconds.
My friends' youngest. Isn't he the cutest??
At the finish line, the guy who was taking numbers completely freaked out over me. In a good way, he was worried that I had been hurt and was freaking out because I was limping. Though I tried to explain that it was an earlier injury, he still sent me to the paramedic due to that and a little blood. I was fine though, and eventually convinced that I was just accident prone and they began to question me as to why in the world I hurdle. I just causally made an exit.
Snapchatting Emma aka Kikkan Randall's daughter |
Afterwards Hans and I hung out and just goofed around. I showed him these bubbles the Easter Bunny brought that smell like birthday cake! It's really weird. At first Hans tried smelling the actual bubbles before I told him it might be easier to just smell the solution instead. Haha, he's such a goof I love him! I'm really glad that he's my bromate.
Hans Blowing bubbles at the meet
Afterwards we played an intense game of Frisbee with Angela. There were grass stains galore! There was a steep hill next to us, so we'd use the hill as thing to throw off of, or we'd cartwheel throw it, do some crazy under the leg backwards stuff, etc. It was so fun. I'm glad to have them as friends.
I found this on Skiers Say What and it quite accurately describes it |
Well that was the track meet!! Oh wait! We were walking to the bus and my friend and I were talking about something or other and so I pretended to hit on her. She asked me if I was lesbian and I put my arm around her and was like "That's for me to know and the rest of the world to wonder about" and she said "Lesbe honest" (play on words) and this random cute guy said it at the same time as her and we all laughed. Then she was like "but no, I really like guys" and the guy says "So do I." Then him and I started joking around and became friends though I haven't seen him since.
Ah, memories of a bum rib. Thank you Allen for the tape job!! |
And that was the meet. It was a good time and what not. So yeah....Uhh...Thank you for reading and looking at pictures and stuff! I'll hopefully update more!
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