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So I had a little accident Monday before state...

At practice we were doing intervals, or pickups, I'm not really sure what to call them... Anyways, the plan was go hard up the service road easy on this turn thingy, work on your tuck down the roller coaster, go hard up the camel humps and tuck it down the service road back to the beginning. I was the first one outside and after a short warm up started right in.

Well I was tucking down the roller coaster and as I usually do, cut the inside corner at the bottom of the hill right where it cuts straight back up into an uphill to set me up for the next turn. What I didn't know was that it was uber icy at the bottom of the hill. My skis slid out from under me and I went down hard. Seriously, I left two deep dents in the ice, THE ICE, and slid from the bottom of the hill across to the other side of the trail and up to the top of it. I fell on the same side that I fell on when I had that biking accident, and the bruise on my leg that still hasn't healed (from three months ago!!) has a bruise of its own. Oh, and I also bruised my ribs and might have fractured one.

On to state!! The weather was pretty nice and unlike at sections everyone was pretty relaxed. Oh, also my mom was there. It was the first time she's seen me skied all year and the second or third time since I've started skiing, so I was both excited and nervous. No one even knew what she looked like. My coaches even had to ask me for her name. I mean who wouldn't be happy to have their family member there to watch. Not that I don't love the other parents out there cheering and stuff, but it's not the same. At the same time I really didn't want her there. I have my own thing, and little quirks that I do before races, and my mom kinda gets in the way. She means well, but...

Well the skate race was decent. I felt a lot better than I had at sections (minus the whole rib thing), and went hard. Oh, wait. Now that I think about it, it was state that had a ton of snow not sections! Oops...It was like skiing through mashed potatoes, and when it came to passing people I went balls deep in snow!! AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!! I had to put that in there, I've been waiting for an opportunity to say that! hahaah, I'm so mature. Anyways, yeah it was tough and wet and tiring, and there were people everywhere and such wow. I somehow managed to ski my way into 49th place though!!

After the skate portion my ribs were killing me!! Moving hurt, breathing hurt, life hurt. So Allen went and taped me up, literally, there's so much KT tape on my ribs. I took a nice ice covered nap afterwards, and then got ready to get out there and classic it up!!

Classic hurt. Bad. Both my ribs, and the rest of my body. I went out and I tried my best, and once again I was passed. This time by five or six people...This time Mrs. Schrock was at the top of the hill and was the one yelling. And running. And shouting places at me. And times. And really yelling. I sped up just to get away, she scared me. Little by little I managed to catch up to those girls and by the time we came into the stadium pass them. So I wound up placing 49th over all in state out of 120. While that's exciting, I'm even more happy about what my coaches said and did.

After the skate race my coach Petra told me how I looked like a completely different skier. That my technique was spot on and I just looked great. Petra never gives out that kind of praise. I was smiling so big my face nearly split in two. Then, THEN, I received a text from her that night saying that she was proud of me and I went above and beyond what was expected AND that I made her very happy. I just about died. That's what I really wanted, was to make my coaches proud. More than anything I want to make my coaches proud. By doing well and making them proud is how I let them know that all that they do for me isn't wasted and that I really appreciate it. Words just aren't enough and this is how I feel they can really know I appreciate it.

Petra wasn't the only one proud, I'm pretty sure Tony was tearing up, and Alan, Craig and Marlo were all smiles and hugs and joy. I love my coaches. I love my team. I love skiing. I can't imagine my life without all three of them. I'd be a completely different person. Probably a bit more troublesome, and less driven. Actually I would be more troublesome!!

I'll have to add pictures later because they're on my Ipod, which is currently missing....ugh

Thanks for reading!!!


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