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I'm back baby!

Okay, so it's been a couple of months since I was last around and blogging stuff about stuff that happens. I apologize, stuff's been busy and hectic and I just haven't had time. But I'm here now, so enjoy lol.

I'll make this post quick, and add others later that farther let you know what's been going on. I know!! This one will just be a quick over view of everything, and then I'll explain some of them better, or maybe I won't. We'll see I suppose!

Track: Ah, the end of the track season was a mighty one! Ugh, there was this one track meet that was absolutely horrendous. The meet itself was fun, but it's what happened at the end that colored the meet in shades of black. The meet was a close one for girls' teams. It was us versus another team (I've long since forgotten), and it all came down to the 4x400 (not really, there were still other events waiting to be scored). The two teams went a little crazy....We both had giant flags, and before the start of the race there was a giant cheer off. You know, stuff like "WE GOT SPIRIT, YES WE DO! WE GOT SPIRIT, HOW BOUT YOU?" or "LET'S GO RAPIDS! *clap pattern*" repeat three times, just fun little things like that. Then it grew bigger. Instead of cheers, it became height. What I mean is that we had our flag high in the air, so they had to get their's higher. They got a kid on someone's shoulders to hold the flag. So we got the two tallest kids on top of each other to hold the flag. So they got tall kids up. Well of course we had to one up them, and got one kid on top of another, on top of another. A three person shoulder ride thing. Yeah, we won that. Next it became a pyramid war. You should have seen it when the race started. There were kids running, and flags flying. Loud cheers, and louder boos.The boys' race didn't involve as much cheering, but was just as good. What made me mad though and ruined the meet, was the awards "ceremony". What had happened was that we were all waiting for them to happen, and it was taking a while to get all the scores done and what not. Not sure why, it was taking so long, but that's besides the point. We'd all been sitting on the track talking to each other for a good 30 minutes or more when one of the guy's coaches came out and calls his team around. Then guess what he does! HE TELLS THEM THEY WON!! Doesn't wait, doesn't tell who else placed, doesn't even do it quietly. He announces it loudly. Then he tells his team to go do a victory lap!! They hadn't even announced the other teams yet!! GRRRR, anger. That wasn't cool dude, and it totally pissed everyone off. All the guys' teams just left after that and then there were girls. We waited around for awhile, and guess what happened. THE WINNING GIRLS TEAM ANNOUNCED TO HIS TEAM THAT THEY'D WON!!! Guess how he did it. Go ahead and guess. Yeah, he stuck his head out the door and held up his finger. That's even worse than the guys team. A handful of seconds later they started announcing who'd placed what. Couldn't have waited a couple seconds more?? Angry.
The next big track related thing was sections. This one will be a bit shorter than the last one. Section Prelims had to fall on the one hot day of the season. All year it's been cold and then suddenly it was hot out. Heat stroke weather. On the plus side I ran the 300 hurdles and somehow placed first in my heat. Like by a lot, it was unbelievable. Though the best part was that I PR'd with a time of 50.33, and made friends with some other girls in my heat. Sections Finals was absolutely different. Instead of heat and sunshine, it was cold and raining, It started raining during the girls 4x800 and got so bad that there wound up being a 4 hour delay. That wasn't the only one. There were many more to come. So the meet was mostly a couple hundred people sleeping in gyms and hallways. I was happy with my placement of 6th place overall, even though I really wanted state, I did well. We sent a couple people to state, including the girls' 4x800 team which has gone like every year for like the past 8 years.

UB: Upward Bound was okay. I don't know, I didn't really talk to anyone or hang out or anything. I don't feel a part of the group. So I spent most of my time either doing work or...doing work. So much work. So very very much work. Way to much work. We seniors we dying under all that work. On that last night before it was all due, there was stress a flying.

Chicago: For UB we went to Chicago this year and it was awesome. I slept like the entire bus ride there, the only time I really every awoke was to tour Eau Claire Wisconsin. Good school, great food. I'll tell you more about it later though. Chicago and all.

Ski training: This year I continued to go to ski training during Upward Bound and am so glad for that. I'm really excited because when we did the hill test I ran a 1:58. I'm the second girl in the history of our training group to go under two minutes!! I'm uber excited about that because it means I've definitely gotten stronger. That was on my last hill too!! it was awesome. Ski training has been really fun, and I love getting to hang out with the team. Even though we are out there dying under the heat of the sun, I love it. I love the team and I love the pain.

Job: So I was an intern at Alan's Physical Therapy for the first part of the summer. He had just opened it up, so I've been with him since the beginning literally. I've learned a lot, about opening your own business, running it, being a physical therapist, and many other things. I guess I'm good at my job because he hired me. Yup, that's right I now work there. So now I work seven days a week. Monday through Friday at Alan's, and weekends at Reed's.

Okay, well I'm gonna go. Got work to do and meetings to go to. Next time I'll have to tell you about Chicago, Benat and some other things.

Thanks for reading!!!!


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