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Showing posts from May, 2013


Last year little freshmen Bailey, Autumn, Grayci, Sara, Bethani, and I were all in agreement that big SENIOR Austin Pohlen  was (and still is) the hottest thing to grace our school. He graduated and we soon forgot about him. Well he's back. With college being over all the graduates are coming home. I ran into him in the weight room and am such an idiot. I was sick yesterday and decided not to go outside and run in the cold rain. Instead I ran around the school for 20 minutes then hit up the weight room, where I saw him. First I ran out to go and find Bailey (I'll tell you why at the end of the post), and when I couldn't find her decided I should actually work out. After a while I wound up doing plyometric box jumps, when he grabs a mat and asks  "Mind if I do abs next you?" This is what follows: Me-"Sure." Him (Jokingly)-"Just don't fall on me! Haha" Me-"Only on purpose" (A few seconds pass) "OMG!! I DIDN'T MEAN IT


I woke up with this thought in mind "Oh, I haven't worked out this weekend. Well it's not going to rain for a couple hours, might as well ski." That was mistake number one. Mistake number two was waiting a couple hours until going out. Mistake number three was getting out of bed this morning. Anyways... I went out skiing at around two, I had an outfit on that'd keep me cool and was jamming out to some Jacob Fannin. Everything was going good. Then the skies opened up. At first it was just a sprinkle, and being me I was just like "Whatever, it'll stop soon". It didn't stop, instead it got worse. I was soaked, but by the time I figured it out I was already closer to Coleraine than I was to Rapids and figured I'd wait it out at Jake's house.  As soon as I hit Coleraine it stopped raining. I was at Jake's for a few minutes then headed for home, so I can say bye to April before she leaves, Guess what frickin happens. My pole gets cau

Air soft wars, "semi famous people" and generousity

Okay, the title is a lie. There's only one air soft war that's being talked about in this blog. I'm sorry for the deceit :'( Today a bunch of us went to my friend Jacob L.'s house for an airsoft war. This is pretty amazing because non of us even knew where he lived, he suggested it, and he rarely joins us for get togethers. We were all pretty excited to go! We spent the first hour just messing around with the guns and laughing at Sara because she literally knew nothing about how to use them. Then his dad said there was food, and I was really hungry from track practice, so I look at Autumn and she looks at me. We both put down our guns and got food. It was kinda awkward because we don't know Jake's family and we kinda just walked in without him.  The air soft war was like all airsoft wars. Everyone running around trying to not to get shot while trying to shoot someone else. Somethings that were different were: Jacob wound up on the roof at one point

High jumping hurdles

Well I finally did it. That's right I finally beat Abbie in the 300 hurdles! But before I talk about hurdles, I must talk of my first event. High jump. High jump was pretty typical. I was ignored by my coach KJ who would only show to watch Riley and Maddie jump. I once again only nearly made 4'4". I really need to work on bending my back more when I jump, at least I'm not sitting on the bar anymore. The highlight of high jump was meeting some nice people. I love meeting new people. There was one moment on my first jump when I nearly flew off the map. First you'll need to know that it was a really windy day today and that we had a head wind jumping. I came in at opening height of 4' and just sail over the bar.  Now I have two theories about how what happened next happened. 1. A huge gust of wind lifted me or 2. That was one powerful jump.So what had happened was I jumped and flew through the air. I landed on the far side of the mat and flipped off the edge, li

Mother's Day

So today is Mother's Day, but my mom just went back to work. (She's been on medical leave because of a stress fracture in her leg. She couldn't wait to get back to work and so on Thursday when she got the go ahead, she got herself scheduled for 12 hour days all weekend. It's like she was never here again.) So instead if the usual breakfast in bed, which she winds up throwing a fit about anyways, I've cleaned the house. That doesn't sound like much, but the boys are such pigs that the house is always nasty. My mom is like OCD, and can't stand it. So coming home to a clean house will be much appreciated. If it stays clean that is. Not even 5 minutes after I finished cleaning the living room/dining room area it was somewhat messy. Squirt had dumped out the entire sock bag all over the living room, there were a pair of dirty shoes on the arm of the couch belonging to my 21 yr old brother Josh who should know better by now and a jacket on the ground. Normally I

Running was a mistake

I don't regret the run, just the shoes I ran in. See my mom got me a new pair of running shoes for christmas. The problem is that my mom knows nothing about any of the sports I do, especially not about the type of shoes needed. This is what she got: (Pictures from Google) They're indoor track spikes. That means they don't have the normal spikes that can ruin a track after years of abuse, but just like normal spikes they don't have padding. They're meant to be as light as possible, and not for pounding. All the pounding with just like zero padding shoes killed my knees. They kill. I'd use my other running shoes, but...well they're years old, falling apart, and are now my school shoes. I'm just going to ask around and try to find a pair or find a sale where I can get a pair if shoes that aren't too expensive. Well I'm going to go ice my knees again. Thanks for reading even though this was just me complaining!

Does 2 hours count as an OD run?

Well if it does then I just did my first OD run. Btw, OD stands for Over Distance. I ran a total of 15.6 miles in 2hours 1minute and 8seconds. burned 1,467 calories, and managed not to hurt myself. Here's how it went: I started out from my house and ran along the lake to the fair grounds where I could enter the Mesabi Trail. Then I just ran along the trail for awhile in the cold, while it snowed, and was really windy. Then I decided I'd run along this branching of trail and  go to Deer River, it's only an additional 22miles I quickly lost the trail when it came out on a road and just turned around. From there I waved hi to a fisherman and his family and resumed running on the Mesabi Trail. Then I decided to follow another branch off to Gunn Park and from there run to my friend Max's. I was almost there when I realized  I was still only an hour in. So I did what anyone would do... I started running along random trails through the woods. I did come along a collapsed s

I am so Disappointed in Myself

Yesterday was True Team sections, and for the first time I got my own events instead of just being put in the 4x4 like years past. I was excited, I was feeling good, and I was ready to win. Then everything went to hell. I started of the day with high jump. I warmed up, stretched, did a couple run throughs everything checked out okay. I was nice and limbered up and was on step for high jump. I still had ten minutes before the event started and decided to grab something to drink. You know, stay hydrated and all that in the heat. Anyways...I came back tossed my spikes on and got ready to RUMBLE!!!!! Actually it was more like tumble. I never made it over opening height. Opening height was 4 feet. 4 FREAKING FEET!! To make matters worse I cried. I hate crying, especially where people can see me. At least I was able to put an end to it quick, and blame my running nose on my cold. Even worse my coach kept trying to cheer me up but everything he said just made it worse. Especially when I cou

So tired!

I have been so tired all week!! But that's not why I'm tired now. Prom was last night, which means partying and post prom. This is how my day went: Woke up at 8:30, got ready and what not then went to ICC to take the placement test. I passed everything, but in the math portion only qualified for intermediate algebra which isn't paid for by the school. I must've been close because a friend that took it scored five points lower than I did and was told that she just barely missed it. We're both retaking it, and all shall be well. When I was done testing I went home and did house work, before taking a nap. It was a nice nap, but I was soon shoved out into the world to "help" my friend get ready for prom. By "help" I mean her brother showed me the baby animals and I joked around with him and their dad while Sara and Autumn did her make-up. It's really a good thing that i didn't help, I know not how to do any of that. As we were leaving t