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Boys are confusing

Sorry, but I'm going to talk about Benat again. What can I say, I'm a teenage girl. Talking about boys is what I do, so just deal.

Okay, so the Wednesday following the Sunday of the whole "let's-be-friends" thing Benat and I went biking around town. At one point we wound up at the show boat landing, where we found this beautiful fall tree that we just had to climb. The brunches were high up so I took his bike and used it to get up the tree, while he just monkey'd up it. I mean, he just flew up that tree (lie, it took a couple tries and then he flew up it). We finished climbing and he swings down, once again, like a monkey. As I'm up there going "Uhhh....I think I can't get down." Don't judge me! It was quite a drop, I have an injured knee, and we had a meet the next day! What's his solution? He puts his arms up and goes "I got this" expecting me to jump. Into his arms. From the tree. My response to such a preposterous thing was to exclaim "I'LL BREAK YOU!!" We found an alternate way down. After that we hung out on the boat and fought over a scene in the Titanic (I was right btw, it happened on the back of the boat). Then we biked some more, he popped a tire, we fixed it and we biked some more. On the way home he did something weird. He compared me to his ex-girlfriend...He said that I was just like in because she wanted to pet every dog she saw also. Now knowing what to say I told him he was like Jake. Always making fun of me for  petting dogs and waving to everyone.

The next day was the I'Falls meet. The bus ride back is always quite interesting, and according to Rachel it was like that when she was on the team like ten years ago! A game of truth or dare was started. Benat didn't really know how to play so he picked truth the first time. Will asked him who he liked, and at first Benat was like "I love you Will!" and threw his arms around Will. Will said "No, seriously" and Benat said "I seriously love you!" He kept going on like that and Will got annoyed,everyone else grew evermore curious,and I was like "Wow, I really need to do fix my nails. Would you look at that? I mean would you just look at that?" He finally admitted to who he likes, by pointing to her. Who did he point to? Me!! This girl right here! Just to be sure I asked Will, but he wouldn't tell me which confirmed it. That and the fact that Will told Sara who told me. The game continued. It took a turn for the...interesting....As in, Sara had ask what's-his-face if he wanted a lap dance, I had to do a belly shot off Hans (we used Gatorade), this one girl had to stand up and yell that she wants the D, I had to kiss Jason's butt (either that or something worse), etc, etc. As you can see, teenagers playing truth or dare in the dark on the way back from I'Falls is bad idea. Eventually Benat was dared to kiss any girl on the bus, anywhere upon her body, as long as she wasn't in the game. Hans told him to kiss her on the hand, otherwise he might be slapped. I was cursing the fact that I was in the game. Benat was hesitant, and everyone else was pushing him to go do it. He kept glancing at me, and I'd roll my eyes and look away like it was no big deal. Eventually he gets up, looks around and in one smooth motion; turns, swoops and kisses me! On my lips! In front of everyone! (Btw, I was sitting in the aisle on a pile of bags.) In my shocked state, I said the dumbest thing, "But I'm in the game!" To which he replied "I don't care." Ya...I was freaking out on the inside. Later on we wound up cuddling for the rest of the ride. Funniest part of the bus ride back? We left Barry at some middle of nowhere gas station!! No offense to him, but everyone had a good laugh.

Then came the bonfire. That Friday there was the last home football game and afterwards a bonfire at John's house. Sara, Joanna, Steve, Benat and I went together. The bonfire was weird. Benat kept going from friends to flirty to distant to friends to flirty. I'm pretty he gave me whiplash with his mood swings.Oh, so at the bonfire I made a new enemy. I dared Benat to jump the fire (he had been talking about how at festivals that's what they do, but the fires are bigger), and so was standing on an upright log to watch. Well this guy Toby comes up and pushes me off! I walked up to him, shoved him and demanded he tell me why he pushed me. (I would use exact words but there were some explicates) He told me that "I'm the mean German boy" and that's why he did it. I got right up in his face (which was hard because he's tall) and told him that "I'm the [...] of an American girl. So don't [...] with me." Then I turned and walked away. More like angrily stalked away. Then this girl Mercedes (the one who asked him to dance at homecoming) was all over him. At one point I was sitting on his lap (he had been on mine before) and we were sharing a pop and talking. Who kept butting in? Mercedes. Everywhere that he went, she followed. At one point he disappeared (he was talking cars with John's dad), and a group of us were talking in front of the fire. I sat on a log and Mercedes was sitting besides me. I swear every five seconds "Where'd Benat go?" "Do you think he's okay?" "I wonder where he went." "Where'd Benat go?" It annoyed me to no end, for two reasons. 1. He's mine and I was tots jelly that she was all over him. 2. Who wouldn't be annoyed by that? After she asked me if I thought he'd been kidnapped I looked her dead in the eye and told her that "He's foreign  they'll eventually give him back or risk starting an international affair. If they didn't it could be the start if WWIII." She agreed with me! As if that was exactly what would happen. I was just spouting BS, and she went with it. In between asking where Benat was, she asked me if we were dating, causing me to choke on my pop. You'll like my response: "I don't know. I don't think so. No. No, we're not." Then she really threw herself at him.
It had been raining off and on, but it didn't end the party until it started really raining. While most went inside, some of us went to Applebees. The ride there Benat was flirty, but once we got there he was off in his own little world. Didn't really join the conversation, just sat and played on his phone. Well on the way home I asked him why he was being so bipolar. He didn't know what bipolar was so I substituted with weird and explained how his mood swings were giving me whiplash. He said he wasn't being weird. To which I threw my hands in the air and asked him for some form of an explanation. He told me he gave me one, that he wanted to be friends. I gave up, and tried to diffuse things by saying "Well next time you decide to attack my face, give me some warning first so I can at least spit out of my gum." We shook hands on it.

There have been other weird instances in between then and now, but I'm much too lazy to write them up too. Though apperently he's going to visit me at work tomorrow. It's funny, because I wouldn't tell him where I worked to he asked Sara, who then told me (we had been talking about him just then too). He started asking her where it was, and I told her not to tell him. He still found out where it is, and then started asking what time I work. Well then his phone was dying and I told him that I'd talk to him later. Then he sent this; "you may have a visit tomorrow at work". I'm so giddy! Though now I have to figure out how to look good, while also making it seem like that's how I always look. Ugh!! I'm such a girl!

Okay, my next post won't be about Benat. It'll be about MEA in Duluth!!

Thank you for reading whatever this is!


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    tіtle to maybe grаb a pе&X72;son's аttеntion?

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