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A PT, an engineer, a nurse and an athlete walk into the doctor's....

No, it's not a joke. That was how today went. I had a date with a Dr. Wheeler today in Duluth and brought along Tony my coach/engineer, my nurse mom, and my friend/mentor/bike coach/PT Alan.

Tony rode with us and we met Alan down there since he was teaching a class that day. It was an interesting ride down. Tony and my mom have just like never talked or really ever seen each other. All she knows about him is that we spend a lot of time together training, that his wife is really nice and that Josh (my older brother) anjd his son used to be friends. When Tony and I are together it's usually for skiing/training purposes. We haven't really been in a social situation like this before, so it was slightly odd.

The way down was nice because we were able to talk about USSA racing, about high school racing this year, and a little about training. Tony and my mom also were able to talk, which I liked because it's always nice to have your coach and mom know each other on more than just a "Hey there" level. I mean if I'm going to be traveling with him (he said if we wanted him to he'd take Maggie and myself to the races and whatnot), it'd probably be a good idea for me madre to know and trust  him better.

Back to the doctor's! So basically I don't just have asthma, and what asthma I do have isn't actually that bad. It's only the cause for maybe 10% of my respiratory problems. So...yay? Oh ya, the other 90%. Turns out I also have a vocal chord problem. It's a bit dysfunctional and tends to restrict, I think that's how it goes. I'm not 100% sure because the doctor and my mom were throwing out medical terms and then Alan would pipe in with his medical terms and I'd just be sitting there with my head bouncing back and forth between the three like I was at a tennis match. What I do know is that I have to go to a vocal chord therapist person and learn how to control them....I also have to start taking two more asthma medications on top of my inhaler. *sigh*

Oh! The funniest thing happened!! So my mom went to go find a bathroom and Tony went to go get Alan ( he was a little late and Tony went to show him where our room was). Well while they were gone the nurse had me change into a gown, but said I could keep on my running shorts and sports bra. Nothing all of Grand Rapids, most of Duluth, parts of Yellowstone and tons of other people/places hasn't already seen. Just as I'm attempting to tie the gown Tony walks in with Alan in tow, takes one look at me and practically runs out of the room. I nearly collapsed I was laughing so hard!  I called them back in and Alan started giving Tony crap. Turns out when the girls' team starts striping Tony gets really uncomfortable. By striping I mean down to sports bras and shorts. It's probably a good thing he had a son, I don't think he would've known what to do with a daughter! It's also probably a good thing Petra does the summer/fall training. We're in shirtless more often than not.

Then the most awkward thing happened. We went shoe shopping. With my male coach. I felt, and still feel so bad. We wouldn't have done it if not for that fact that my shoes were my running shoes for 3-4 years before I got new running shoes and they became my school shoes. At this point they have holes, the laces are shreds/won't untie, the tread's worn completely down, and the cushion/support is gone. I've used them a bit too much and they're worn flat. I'm sad to see them go, they were very comfortable, but it was quite necessary. I think I'll hang them on my wall. You don't know what my wall looks like do you?! Oh man, I'll have to make a video (I'm thinking of actually doing stuff with my YouTube channel).

Soon enough the shopping was over and we went out to eat. We went to Buffalo Wild Wings, and ate some great food! I had the "wild" boneless wings, Tony had the "classic" and mom had the mango or something. They made of me though because I grabbed a coloring book and then asked for crayons so I could color. Is it really that odd for an almost 17 year old girl to ask for crayons and a children's coloring book?

Me, Bailey, Sara, Autumn, and Bethani at the beginning of the summer.
(Literally. We had just come from graduation)
Thanks for reading!! I'm off to go for a run! (Okay, after this episode. I LOVE Supernatural!!!!!)


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