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Weather and eating disorders!

It's cold out and I have an eating disorder!

The weather has finally gotten cold! I guess technically it's been cold, but it's been a warm cold. Last year was horrendous  it was so warm! It forever to get enough snow to ski and that's with Mt. Itasca making snow, then since no one else really had much snow we had other teams traveling to us to ski, and hosted all but three meets. This year is better, still warm but at least we get to travel. What's strange though, is that we went from heat to -20 not including windchill in a weekend.  We haven't skied since the meet on Saturday, and today is Wednesday. Instead Monday and Tuesday we had strength, though i wasn't there either day because on Monday I was still puking and on Tuesday I had an appointment with Jeff Temple about my wrist. I told me that it wasn't broken just something with my growth plate, which also showed up on the x-ray of my other wrist we had it examined this summer. What's going on here? I didn't remember it until after I left, so I guess we'll never know. Then there's also a fluid build up, some bruising of the bone and still the tendinitis  Well I'm starting Orthopedic Therapy soon and that'll fix that. Anyways, i diverge, but then again this is my blog. I can diverge all I want! But I'm just going to get back on track anyways... But so ya, the weather. It's been cold. Practice! That's what I was talking about. Then on Wednesday we just waxed our classic skis (first pursuit meet of the season Friday  and did yoga. We do yoga every Wednesday after practice and every Monday and Wednesday morning we have an extra strength practice before school. Both are optional, but if you want to improve you should go. I don't go to yoga, but I go to strength. I would go to yoga, but too many of the stretches involve things that one cannot do with tendinitis and a wrist in a brace. The strength  workouts can be adapted, or I can just do something else entirely, so those are safe.

Me and my eating disorder. Every morning before school I meet my friends in the cafateria, so we can "help" each other with the homework that we "finished" like the "good" students we are, hang out, and gossip. So today I was late getting there because strength had run late, though it didn't matter because only Bee, Sara, and Cal were there. I walked into the lunch room, yelled to them that my wrist isn't broken, walked over threw my backpack on the table and skipped away saying "I have to get a spoon!"(the spoon was so I could my cereal that I bring to school so I can eat after strength) When I got back Sara and Bee looked sad and I asked them "Why do you guys look so depressed?". To which Bee replied with "We're just so glad you're eating" while sitting there looking all concerned and whatnot. They then went on to lecture me about how "I need to be eating more", and "that it's not healthy for me to be eating so little". I'm sitting there eating my knock-off Captain Crunch and thinking "What? Are you saying words?". They're sitting there talking to me like I'm anorexic! Last time I checked I didn't look like a walking skeleton (except my wrist, which Bay says looks like a malnourished African child), and I eat. When they finished lecturing me on the values of eating, I accused them of calling me anorexic. They started backtracking saying that no they weren't calling me anorexic, just saying that I'm not eating. Is it just me, or does that sound like the same thing? I calmly explained to them that I'm not eating lunch because I have no lunch money and no food that I can bring for lunch. They both know this too, I've had to explain why I'm not eating lunch almost everyday. I then went on to say that I eat home, and that most of the time when I eat, they aren't there. They continued on about my 'eating disorder', which somehow went from anorexia to bulimia. If I was going to develop an eating disorder don't you think I'd do it during a different sports season? You know, one that I don't care about as much. Or just wait until the summer when I rarely see them because of schedules? I'm really mad at them, even sent them pictures of me eating dinner. Sara replied with "Good job juli!", and Bee didn't. So I guess that I now have an eating disorder. -.-


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