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70's Porn Star

OMG! What is with the Jirka (the 70's porn star) (he's not actually a porn star that's just what Savanna called him one day at practice because he looked like one I guess though how she knows what 70 porn stars look like beats me)!
First of all why does he wear a spandex outfit to practice everyday. I mean ya he looks good in it, cause he's maybe kinda C-U-T-E hot, but still its kinda weird.
When we go to meets we all change together on the bus, and one day he walks up to this girl feels her leg and says "Mmmm. Nice". Creepy.
Another day at practice the girls are changing and he pops into the room and does a creepy laugh then just walks away. He did that like 3 times. He also stuck his butt into the room. That was just weird.
Then there was that snowball fight he started that I told you about before.
At practice we took pictures today and all the girls wore spandex pants and no other layers on our legs so of course I had to sit on the ground one down from Jirka and it took forever and my butt went numb and a cold butt plus an icy ground makes for painful skiing. So after pictures he jumps up with this shriek like thing and starts jumping around.  And since it was icy the other girls just kinda stood around and the guys went up the left horse shoe and were going down in the tracks on their knees and stuff and me and my friend Jed were actually skiing the whole horse shoe (well I was double pulling) and then just going down normally (well Jed did for awhile he later joined the guys), and the guys were blocking the way down so I yelled at them, they moved and I said thanks on the way down. So later I'm just standing on the path (or whatever you call it) out of the way and Jirka and Brad are standing a little ways away. So they turn around to go the other way and have to pass me to go there and Jirka skis right at me and right before he hits me he turns and rubs up against me and says "I'm sorry". Though you could so tell he wasn't. He also did a backflip later and stumbled on the landing and fell into the snow with another yelp and dance. 


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