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Showing posts from February, 2014

Tell me I can't

Two years ago I set an impossible goal, and while I didn't make it last year, I made it to state this year. I'm not exaggerating when I say no one thought I would ever come this far, but I set a goal and I worked hard for it. I know that to some, maybe even all, of you it doesn't seem like much. Here I am going on about making it to state and how hard it was and how rewarding it has been, when the Olympics are going on. I'm actually watching the men's slalom as I write this! But to me this is a big deal. This is my fifth year skiing, and it's been a long a road. My coaches love to remind me of how terrible I was when I first started! I mean they really have a good laugh at my expense (not that I care much, it was pretty funny). So to have come this far in what seems to me like a relatively short time, it's amazing. The reason why I'm rambling on about this is because I want to set another goal. Actually a couple of goals. What I learned is that if you


So I had a little accident Monday before state... At practice we were doing intervals, or pickups, I'm not really sure what to call them... Anyways, the plan was go hard up the service road easy on this turn thingy, work on your tuck down the roller coaster, go hard up the camel humps and tuck it down the service road back to the beginning. I was the first one outside and after a short warm up started right in. Well I was tucking down the roller coaster and as I usually do, cut the inside corner at the bottom of the hill right where it cuts straight back up into an uphill to set me up for the next turn. What I didn't know was that it was uber icy at the bottom of the hill. My skis slid out from under me and I went down hard. Seriously, I left two deep dents in the ice, THE ICE, and slid from the bottom of the hill across to the other side of the trail and up to the top of it. I fell on the same side that I fell on when I had that biking accident, and the bruise on my leg th

Sections 2014, tears were shed...

I started out sections week with my coaches and myself freaking out, because I hadn't been at practice all week due to work. The only day I'd been at practice was the day before sections and only because I managed to find someone who was willing to switch shifts with me! There was a lot of stress going around that week. Okay, on now to the talk of sections!! Some of our awesome cheerers and a couple of their amazing signs!! Credit: Maija Haha, "Ski like the Czechs are watching!" is my favorite sign!! Credit: Shiloh I was really stressed out, and terrified going into sections. I've worked hard the past two years and especially after last year when I hoped and hoped and just missed making it to state, I just couldn't stand it if I didn't make it. I literally pinned everything on this one day. The fear of not making it caused so much mental and physical stress that I just couldn't take it. I was so glad that the day had finally come to get it


So today started off on the wrong foot. Actually on the wrong everything. Holy cheeze-its where's the reset button? Or better yet a Staples button. According to the commercials you press that thing and life becomes organized and not a freaking mess that it really it. I just want to press a button and then be like "Staples, that was easy" cause that'd be awesome. The first thing that went wrong was my alarm went off. I was having a wonderful dream and then that wrecked it. Except I was still so tired I actually thought I was dreaming that my alarm went off and that it was actually only like 5am or something. Took ten minutes to realize it was a dream. Then I went to take my heart rate (something I have to do every morning and night now a days) and that takes six  minutes. So at the end of the six minutes the watch beeps which it normally does to alert me that time's up and I can go about my day. Well I go to see what my heart rates levels and training level are a

JNQ at Mt. Itasca

Yes, I did another JNQ race, and this time it was at home. The day before the race I had a high school one. It was our first (and only) pursuit of the season and man was it a sad one. Most of the time either couldn't make it or was sick. Maggie showed up and wound up just going home. The two of us went out to do a warm up/see the course ski and after the first hill she was dying. That weekend she had an uber high fever and was just sick. I went and did the first race and just had to puke the entire time. Afterwards I did wind up puking a couple of times, and decided that I just shouldn't do the second race. Even though I was sick Friday I still decided to race on Saturday.I did the women's 5k and think I did decently. It was a tough course, well mostly it was just a tough beginning. This is what we did; the right horseshoe into the swamp loop, up the switch back climbed all the way up the way, did a loop up top, went down part of bunny hill connected to the service road,