Two years ago I set an impossible goal, and while I didn't make it last year, I made it to state this year. I'm not exaggerating when I say no one thought I would ever come this far, but I set a goal and I worked hard for it. I know that to some, maybe even all, of you it doesn't seem like much. Here I am going on about making it to state and how hard it was and how rewarding it has been, when the Olympics are going on. I'm actually watching the men's slalom as I write this! But to me this is a big deal. This is my fifth year skiing, and it's been a long a road. My coaches love to remind me of how terrible I was when I first started! I mean they really have a good laugh at my expense (not that I care much, it was pretty funny). So to have come this far in what seems to me like a relatively short time, it's amazing. The reason why I'm rambling on about this is because I want to set another goal. Actually a couple of goals. What I learned is that if you...