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Showing posts from April, 2014


I know I'm suppose to be catching y'all up on what's been going down and stuff, but this takes precedence. So Max got in Wednesday night, and last night we all got together. And by "we all" I really mean Autumn, Max, Sara, Johannah and myself. The plan was that we'd meet at DQ after I got off work at 7. Well since I don't have a car, or a license, I was going to get a ride with Autumn. Well they decided to surprise me at work.  The got MkayKay in on it too. She asked if I would put a cart in the back room for her, but she was acting really weird about it. She was being uber pushy about me bringing it back there, and I called her out on it and she just kept pushing it, so I finally went to put it away.Well I'm coming out of the back room and I see Autumn, Sara and Max running behind my counter. It was so funny, and I was really happy to finally get to see Max in person! I mean it's been 10 months since he left!! New outfit? So we all went to DQ


So track started at the beginning of March, and it's been really boring. I mean really boring. Due to the fact that we have all this snow and it just keeps coming, we've been inside for the entire season. Not even kidding, we've only had a couple of outdoor practices and that's only been when we have those few nice days. Okay, I'm going to go off on a tangent right now and discuss the weather because it is pissing me off. First off all the weather is so crazy. One day school is cancelled because of a snow storm, the next day it's raining like crazy and the next day everyone is in shorts. That's what the weather has been like for the past couple of weeks, not necessarily in that order. It is so annoying. It even snowed a couple of inches last night!! Ugh. Anyways, back to track. Not only has the weather been terrible, and not only have we been stuck inside, but the workouts have been really easy. I'm not just saying that because the ski season really


Sorry I haven't been posting! But as you can infer from the title I haven't had my laptop, and it's been hard to access a computer with my busy schedule that you know nothing about! Don't worry, over the next couple of days I'll try to fill you in on all the "exciting" things that have been happening lately. For right now I'll stick to talking about how excited I am to finally get my laptop back after like a month of not having it. I had sent it in to get fixed because it was bugging out (literally it had a lot of bugs and a couple viruses too). Well they were backed up two weeks and then it took awhile to fix it and then since it was pretty expense, I was unable to pick it up. Even though I really didn't want to I spent most of my last paycheck and picked it up. That's really all I have to say on that actually...It's not very interesting....