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Showing posts from September, 2013

A PT, an engineer, a nurse and an athlete walk into the doctor's....

No, it's not a joke. That was how today went. I had a date with a Dr. Wheeler today in Duluth and brought along Tony my coach/engineer, my nurse mom, and my friend/mentor/bike coach/PT Alan. Tony rode with us and we met Alan down there since he was teaching a class that day. It was an interesting ride down. Tony and my mom have just like never talked or really ever seen each other. All she knows about him is that we spend a lot of time together training, that his wife is really nice and that Josh (my older brother) anjd his son used to be friends. When Tony and I are together it's usually for skiing/training purposes. We haven't really been in a social situation like this before, so it was slightly odd. The way down was nice because we were able to talk about USSA racing, about high school racing this year, and a little about training. Tony and my mom also were able to talk, which I liked because it's always nice to have your coach and mom know each other on more th

Timberman Triathlon

Okay, this one really is going to be short. I don't really have much to say besides what's about to be said. on! First off do you know what a triathlon is? Or what the Timberman triathlon is? You don't? Let me explain then. A triathlon is where you swim, bike, and run. You're timed in each event and your transition time (how long it takes you to go from one event to the next) also counts against you. The Timberman is a triathlon held in Grand Rapids MN. It has a long course (mile swim, 26.2 mile bike, and a 10K run. But don't quote me on the bike) and a sprint course (1/3 mile swim, 13.1 mile bike, and a 5K run, but don't quote me on the bike again). It's a fun event put on every year and draws a nice crowd of people from every age and fitness level. I did the short course and this is how it went: Swim The swim was by far my worst event. I did it in my sports bra and spandex shorts (last year I did it in normal shorts and nearly lost them!

Gary Bjorklund Half Marathon

This winter my mom signed me up for the Grandma's Half (otherwise known as the Gary Bjorklund Half Marathon) for some unknown reason. I planned on training like a beast and impressing all these people with my running skills and everyone would know my name. Well that's not how it happened. My coach didn't want me doing all that extra running, and I just went with it.I became caught up in training for track that I just forgot to train for the race. Even better, I'm a sprinter in track. We don't do distance. Like ever. The closest thing to running distance we do is from the track to the school. The week after track ended Upward Bound began, and because we were at LEC I was unable to run that week.  Guess how much training I wound up doing. Go on, guess. Guess yet? Well I'll tell ya anyways: two weeks. The farthest I ran? 5 miles.That was my half marathon training, and just in case you don't know how far that is, it's 13.1 miles. Lol, I'm terrible