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Showing posts from 2015

Why would you suggest such a thing??

Okay so, I fell in love with St. Scholastica the first time I toured it. I mean it's hard not to, the school is a castle! Everything I saw I loved and the more I learned the more in love I fell! I liked the school so much, that even when the tour guide said they didn't have a ski team, I still liked it. That winter I found out they really do have a ski team, and a good one at that, and my obsession with the school was complete.  St. Scholastica has been my top choice school for over two years now and I'm excited to say that I've been accepted there!! Not only will I be there studying physical therapy, but I'll also be skiing for them on the developmental team!! They have an amazing physical therapy program and I'm really excited that they think I'm academically acceptable for their program haha. I'm going to have to make sure to constantly study.  Instead of getting a dorm I'll just set up shop in the library! Speaking of which, their library is amaz


Today we had our first pursuit race of the season. A pursuit is when you race two 5ks in one day- one of each technique. How you placed in the first race sets you up for where you start in the second. The first one to cross the finish line in the second race is the winner. For the most part it went pretty well. Let's break down the day shall we?       Hans and Charlie chilling pre-race The day started off with a two hour delay due to icy road conditions so the ski team hung out at the Duluth mall causing havoc as usual.                 Those JV racers!! We arrived at the meet and immediately set forth complaining. Conditions were questionable and temps were climbing! We were pretty crabby about that and the fact that we racing a pursuit that didn't even start until 1, so not much recovery time between racing. As we were changing we discovered that three of us have matching mysterious knee bruises. It's just like two dots and it's so weird cause we don't know where t

Day 1 of my Last Semester

Oh my goodness, it's only 1:30 and it's already been a really long day. How?? Well let me explain. Or complain. It all depends on how you view it I suppose.  Okay, so first of all I'm like super tired because I had race Saturday (the Mesabi East invite) and then it was Robin's last day in the states so we stayed up so so late hanging out. Well Sunday morning we had to get up really early to get him to the airport, after which I had to get back to town, run home, and go to mysl. Mysl stands for Minnesota Youth Ski League. So I was teaching little kids ski skills. It was a lot of fun. Minus the fact that I forgot gloves and it was really cold out and my hands were numb well into the night... Well then Sunday night I could not fall asleep. I was so tired but no matter what I could not sleep. Until around 3 am that is. Then I had to get up at 6.  Now why did I have to get up at 6? Cause I had an early meeting with Rick! Yes, we had to figure out my class schedule because th