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Showing posts from July, 2013

Track Sections

This year I had my own events at sections! No relays for this girl! I did high jump and 300 hurdles, both of which fell on day one of sections. First up was high jump. I'm not going to lie, I was terrified. All year I've been doing terrible at high jump, and was scared of embarrassing myself. Then I found out opening height was 4'4". The world hated me that day. I haven't been able to make 4'4" all year! I didn't expect to make it. Or even come close. I was extremely nervous, not about failing for that was certain, but about landing on the pole. Have you ever fallen on one of them? It hurts! Anyways.....We started, and as I watched girl after girl go, and make it, my spirits fell. My coach didn't help much either. He is terrible when it comes to pep talks. When my turn came I took a deep breath and went for it. I freaking SAILED over the bar!! I definitely should've raised the bar on my exceptions. (hehehe, see what I did there?) I was so exci...

The beginning of the flood

The title may seem strange, but what it means is that this is the first in a flood of posts. Here's a peak at what's happened this summer and what the next couple hundred posts will be about: Track Sections Break-ups Upward Bound NYC Grandma's Timberman Boys Bailey Skiing Max and more Most, if not all, of that probably didn't make any sense to you, but that's okay because everything will be explained soon enough. All you have to do is continue reading, and hope I manage to explain everything!