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Showing posts from January, 2014

JNQ in Cable Wisconsin

Last weekend I did my first JNQ races and man was it an experience!! Friday after classes Tony, Cindy and I left for Wisconsin in the hopes of getting there early enough for a ski before it became too dark. Which didn't happen, because of a couple of wrong turns we wound getting there a bit after, and instead just settled into the cabin we had rented for the weekend. About two hours after we showed up Allen and Amy arrived and then we all went to bed early in anticipation of Saturday. Cindy and Tony during one of our card games So Saturday morning we arrive an hour-hour and a half before my race and this is what I learned: 1. The course 2. I would be racing college skiers For my first 10km I don't think I did too bad, especially considering that was one of the hardest, of not the hardest, courses that I've skied. There was one section where it was over 1.5km of straight V1 up hill. The entire course was just two 5km loops of climbing. I'm not even exaggerat